Masquerade - AU Series - Eugene

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You smiled warmly as you grabbed the blondes hand. You watched his brown eyes open wide and pink lips part in shock then close before roughly tugging you up with him.

"Hey." You said to him. He looked you dead in the eyes with a glare before dropping your hand and motioning for you to follow, stalking off into the crowd, leaving you to chase after him. If he didn't motion for you to follow you'd have assumed he just intended to help you up then leave.

You reached his side as he continued making his way across the room. "Do you just want to be left alone? I can respect that."

He gave you a look out of the corner of his eye, "Just shut up and come with me, clutz."

"Fine." You tilted your chin up. You gawked when you reached your destination, a shaded corner away from everyone. 

The blonde boy went and sat on the floor crosslegged, looking at you with a challenging look that just screamed, 'I bet you are going to walk away and find some one new. In fact I dare you to come sit with me.' With a huff you went and sat next to him, tucking your feet under you.

"That's it, we're not going to dance?"

"You didn't really want to dance, did you?" He asked, looking over at you, wrinkling his nose.

You opened and closed your mouth, truthfully you didn't really want to dance, but you intended to since that seemed to be the needed activity. You sucked your teeth and looked away.

"That's what I thought."

Sucking it up you looked back to him, "What's your name?" You asked, gently like talking to a child.

He narrowed his eyes at you, "Do. Not. Treat. Me. Like. A. Child." He made sure to say each word clear enough that there was no doubt about what he said. "And what does my name matter to you anyways? It's not like we are going to meet again after this."

You sighed, "Listen, I'm trying to get to know you. And to be honest, I was looking forward to, so can you please just try to be nice?"

"So you would rather me lie?"

"No, I'm certain that what you are doing right now, is not the real you." You said, staring him dead in the eyes. "So please."

He frowned, breaking your gaze, "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours first. And don't lie, I'll know."

"Sure. I'm Y/n l/n, and you?"

"Eugene." He stated simply, not meeting your gaze. "And listen, I don't know what game you are playing, but it's not going to work."

"I'm not trying to play anything. And if you didn't want to hang out with me then why the hell did you give me your hand?"

"Because it was the nice thing to do?"

"So do you want me to leave?"

"No, I don't."

"Why not?"

"I don't want to be alone alone, but I don't want people crowding me. Do you want to go? Hm?"

"Oh, the little boy has a heart and sass." You teased gently.

"And the bitch is meaner than I expected." He retorted, crossing his arms and looking away from you. He sighed heavily after a moment, "Sorry, that was mean, I guess."

"It's cool." You smiled, "I actually get you on the not wanting to be alone, but not wanting to many people around. Like, you wanna be alone, but alone with someone." You sighed.

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