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God okay! I was not expecting this! Especially this fast. So like, random headcannons of the guys I guess.


'This man drinks straight vinegar and I'm not kidding.

'He brushes his teeth and then drinks orange juice.

'Knows how to tie, like, fifty knots. All for different reasons.

'Drinks very strong Alcoholic beverages and then asks if there is anything stronger.

'Likes cats because they think they are crafty and beautiful.

'He's 'straight'

'Dates at fancy places, or at one of your houses to bake sweets then watch a movie while you eat them.

'Tells awful dad jokes but he somehow makes them funny.

'Has a tracker on your phone

'Bought you a ring on the first date. (Heartbeat ring)


'Laughs at horror movies, and yells at the people for being dumb.

'Mystery movies he adores, like really. 

'Tells you in every single way you can think of that he loves you.

'If you get hurt he will break every traffic law to get you to the doctors to make sure you are okay.

'Makes sure you take vitamins every morning to stay healthy 


'Cried in the titanic.

'Doesn't drink at all because he thinks it tastes awful and doesn't like what it does to people (Knows because of father)

'Ideal date would be a picnic at either the park or beach, and lots of ice cream eating.

'Loves cats, he had one when he was little and it was his best friend.

'Gave roses and chocolates to the girls on valentines day. Even more to the ones who didn't have anyone to make them feel special.

'My boys pan

'Lives of fluff and compliments. Like he doesn't need food for water, just those two things.

'Will carry you on his shoulders.

'Buys you flowers all the time for every date.

'Got you a cute bracelet/ring/necklace with both your names carved into it after a few dates.

'Falls asleep easy, but only if he has you nearby or in his arms because it comforts him.

'Will spend hours just watching one of those tippy bird things.

'Loves whispering everything he loves about you into your ear while he's holding you. Spoiler it's everything.

'Hates scary movies because they give him nightmares, but will watch them with you. ONLY IF YOU HOLD HIS HAND!!!

'If he gets up early and has to leave before you get up he will leave a good morning/I love you message for you.

'Gets more scared than you when you get hurt.

'Cream soda and milkshakes! He loves them!


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