Can't wait to see you- Eugene AU

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~Angst, with a side of fluff at the end~
Mentions of suicide.
Sorry if Zions out of character most the story lol, I just thought with the theme he would be more... openly caring?
This ended up longer than I intended...

"Can't wait to see you." The last words of your missing boyfriend still sat in your favourite colour lipstick on the mirror in your bedroom. He wrote it weeks ago now, and you still couldn't bring yourself to wipe it away. You sat on your bed staring at it, holding back the rush of emotions.

Your parents told you that he had knocked on the door while you were out with friends and asked if he could do something. They let him in, and he came up and wrote this message in his messy writing with your lipstick, surrounded by little hearts.

The deal was after going out with the girls, you'd go stay in his families cabin up north for the rest of the summer with him. If you had known what would have happened to him you wouldn't had gone out with the girls and you would have gone straight there with him.

Shortly after he left your house, he was seen by one of your neighbors, getting into a taxi. Later that night, at about eleven, you got a call from his crying mother asking if Eugene was at your house. You fearfully said no, and that you hadn't seen him all day, that he came over around noon but didn't stay long. She responded, saying, he left their place, promising he'd be back soon and he was just going to your house. He didn't come back. You remember telling her he was probably at a friends house, but to keep you updated. She agreed and hung up.

The next day you called Zion, his best friend, he said he hadn't seen him all day, but talked to him shortly after he left your house over phone. He talked about how excited he sounded to be going up north with you for the summer. After talking with Zion for a bit Eugene said he had to go and hung up. Zion didn't hear from him after that, not even a text, he assumed he was just busy packing for the trip.

You called the rest of his friends, but none of them had seen or talked to him since shortly before he got into the cab.

You lowered you head, tears rolling off your cheeks and dripping onto your PJ pants. You clutched your knees trying to hold back your tears. Eugene wouldn't want you to cry, he'd want you to move on and be happy, but you couldn't make yourself.

Two weeks ago, two days after he got in the taxi, he was put on the missing person list, and no one had seen him since.

You cut yourself off from all of your friends, not going out, not calling them for support when that's what you needed most, not texting back. You only truly stayed in contact with Eugene's mother, who you called at least once a day to check up on her, make sure that she was doing well. You stopped leaving the house, and your room at that, only making an appearance at mealtimes, where you would only manage a mouthful or two, before feeling sick, excusing yourself, and going back to your room. You sat on your bed, going through photos of him on your phone and scrapbook. You played some video games, just to escape reality though, you could only play for so long before you got sad, because you always played the game with him. You spent hours looking out your window, or at your mirror.

He was the person that saved you months ago. You were hopeless and ready to leave where no one could bring you back. Then you met him. He turned your life around and gave you a reason to live.

The door opened downstairs, and you heard your mother greeting whoever it was. You didn't care.

Footsteps came up the stairs. The person knocked on your door, you ignored them, hoping if you didn't respond they'd go away just like everyone else. Leave you to rot like you wanted.

The door opened, "Y/n, you're coming out for lunch with me like it or not." Zions gruff voice said, "No ones seen you for weeks, you need to get out for a lunch. So come with me."

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