Zombie Party - Ethan Halloween

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Here's Ethan's Halloween story. The last of them too, then I have a new project.

You stood in the dirty window, looking out waiting for your tall athletic boyfriend to come back from the supply run. Nervously you chewed on your lip.

You didn't doubt his ability to make it, heavens no, but you still worried about him, it was only natural.

"Y/n, he'll be fine!" Judy assured next to you, a small smile on her face, "Ethan might be the best survivor out of all of us."

Smiling weakly, you nodded in agreement, "He'll be just fine. Fine..." You repeated it to your self as if trying to convince yourself that it was true, that he was indeed, fine.

You sighed and walked away, hoping maybe busying yourself with something would help.

So for the next hour you busied yourself with scrubbing blood off the walls of Judy and your's classroom. It was hard work, but helped keep you calm, and made your room look better.

As you were doing this, and trying to scrub away a particularly hard bloodstain, Scarlett opened your door and walked in.

You looked over your shoulder at her, "Are they back?"

Scarlett gave you a mean look, but her face was tearstained and flushed. "No, I wouldn't come tell you." She growled, "But I thought you should know, Lawrence thinks they might have died, it's been ten hours, longer than ever before. I just thought you should know." She then turned tail and left the room. 

You noticed that she herself seemed a little upset about the news, so that only added to the fact that it could be true, or fake.

Why should you believe anything she says? She's a liar and wants to hurt you, they'll be fine. Lawrence would wait at least a day before making that announcement... Right?

You were now sitting on your knees, trying to hold back tears, telling yourself over and over that Scarlett is a liar.

The door opened again and two sets of footsteps entered, quickly they came over to your side, and within moments of that you were enveloped in a tight hug.

You reached up and hugged back weakly, breathing deeply, trying to to sob. The person holding you smelled like vanilla and rose.

"Don't get all gooey on us, thats not what we came to do. That will just work her up more, Harry." Eugene sighed nearby.

"Right." The boy hugging you said, who you now identified as Harry. He let go of you but kept on hand on your shoulder. He looked so sorry, and his face was slightly flushed, like he had been crying recently. Harry then looked over to Eugene, which you did too.

"What?" Eugene asked, crossing his arms, "Why are you looking at me like that?" You had never seen him look so sad and sympathetic before.

"I just thought you should tell her, since you are like dead inside and don't feel that much grief towards these things." Harry said, smiling sadly.

Eugene glared at him for a second before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He opened them then came forward towards you, crouching down on his knees in front of you. Eugene took one of your cool hands in both of his and looked you directly in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry." He began.

"Don't." You shook you head, tears welling up again. Maybe if he didn't say it it wasn't true.

"I'm sorry, but Lawrence seems to think Ethan and the other that went out of the run are dead." Eugene swallowed hard at the end, and if you weren't beginning to sob your life out to the heavens you would have noticed small tears in his eyes.

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