Flowers-Harry AU

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You sat on the branch of your favourite tree out side your high school, the wind blowing strands of your h/c hair around. You looked at the bouquet of flowers on your lap again. Red, and white roses, and lavender, your favourite. You smiled, and began sketching the blossoms again.

You had been receiving gifts like this for weeks now, from who you liked to call your 'secret admirer'

Your friends told you that it was probably a jerky kid who would date you, and take advantage of your kindness. You thought otherwise. They left you your favourite chocolates, flowers, and little notes that always made your day. You kept the one that always make your heart flutter in the pocket of your school blazer. It read, "You are so beautiful, but even more so when you smile like the angel you are."

You ran your fingers through your hair. The last note left a clue on how to find you admirer, "Hey, let's play a game! You follow these clues, or as I'd like to call them 'flowers', to the next one, soon you will find me! But you have to be there by five, or I'll assume you aren't coming."

As soon as school went out you planned on following these 'flowers' to this person you had been dying to meet for the last while.

The bell saying the end of lunch was here rang above the chatter of the students covering the school yard. You wondered which one was your prized 'flower.'

You smiled, and jumped down from the branch, placing the bouquet of flowers, and your sketch pad in your bag once again.

You began to skip down the path, back towards the school, skirt brushing against you legs.

Weaving your way up the stairs towards your homeroom.

A few hours later, you walked out the doors of the school just as school ended.

"You going to find him, y/n?" Your best friend, Judy chirped.

"It might not be a 'he' Judy." You said, "It might be a she, or a they. I don't care! They are amazing!" You spun around in a circle.

"A she would be cool." Judy said, spinning around too. "I gotta go, y/n, I have a family thing." She gave you a hug before running off, trying to catch the subway.

You looked down at the note in your hands, "A park for lovers, chocolates nearby."

"Chocolate park." You snapped your fingers. It wasn't called chocolate park, but everyone nicknamed it that because there was a chocolate shop in the park, couples often bought chocolates there to share. The shop was actually called, "Lovers chocolate" and they were the only place that sold your favourite chocolate, "Rose petal fudge."

You began jogging down the street. "I can't wait to meet you." You whispered

A few short minutes later you wandered through the park, looking for your next clue. Children played, and couples sat eating chocolate. You wanted to be one for the last few years, but none of the men that took an interest in you were good men.

A woman would be just as good as a man to you, they were pretty, and elegant, you wouldn't refuse if your admirer was a she.

You looked down to the note again, "Chocolates nearby..." You murmured, "Maybe I have to go to the chocolate shop..? Or at least nearby?"

A whistle, a catcall whistle broke though the chatter of nearby people. You hunched your back in response, hoping, praying, it wasn't you they whistled for.

"Hey, y/n!" A voice called, along with loud, running footsteps coming towards you. You responded with taking off running as fast as you could.

You made a turn off the path onto the grass, hoping you might be able to loose them if you ran through a group of people, who were conveniently standing a few meters away.

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