Ballroom-Zion AU

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Really like this plot too, uh, please enjoy.
Zion to like, any dangerous woman, "Damn, she can kill me? Nice, I want to marry her."
Just as a heads up, Cotton Eye Joe, came out eight years ago.

You stood in front of the rich businesswomen and countess as she counted out your pay, "Half now, half after." She repeated, handing you the six thousand.

"That was the deal, yes." You nod, beginning to count it out again, just to make sure she didn't cheat you out of the money.

"You'll kill him."

"Well yeah, that's what you hired me for."

"Will you get it done good?"

"Yes, yes. I'm a professional of my trade, no one will even know you were connected." You sighed, stuffing the money into your pocket. "When do you want it?"

"He's hosting a ball tonight, you can come with me as my plus one and get him while he's alone." She explained, "Does that work?"

"Yes yes. The sooner I do it the sooner I get the money."

She nodded, "Call me Ms. Scarlett." She said, adjusting the flowers in her bun.

"Alright Ms. Scarlett, if you don't mind me asking, why do you want this man dead?"

"He's my ex." She sighed, "And competition."

"I know how that feels." You said, "So tonight, I'll meet you here outside your house." You turned to leave.

"Try wearing something girly and elegant, just too fit in!" Scarlett called after you.

"I know, I'm a master of disguise." You shouted back, rolling your eyes, rich people were so petty and stupid.

You walked out of the convenience store with a few loves of bread and fruit. You were in the bad side of town, the side that was a lot less wealthy than the other, people could hardly afford housing and food. You lived here in one of the better apartments, because of your good paying job.

After a bit of walking you stopped at a large oak tree where a bunch of children gathered. "Okay kids, I have seven loafs of bread and a bag of fruit, remember to take it back to your family and share it with them."

"Yes Ms. Y/n!" The kids nodded.

"Good." You said opening one of the bags, "I'll be here later tonight for anyone who doesn't get any." You took out three slices and handed it to the little girl closest to you, Sally. She'd been coming for three years now, both her parents were arrested when she was five and she was sent to live with her grandparents who owned small apartment. 

"Thank you, Ms. Y/n." She whispered before taking the apple you offered her and ran off.

These kids were the reason you did what you did. Ever since you could remember you were alone, no one looked out for you and made sure you were well fed and had a place to stay. So now that you were old enough you wanted to be a guardian for these children.

Your whole if life you stole for a living. Stealing out of rich peoples pockets who would come into town, stealing from shops just to get a lick of food. You became a good thief after all those years.

When you were thirteen a hitman saw you steal and took you under his wing, teaching you the art of killing. You would always be thankful for what he taught you. It got you money, a place to stay, food on your plate, and food for other children who you saw yourself in.

You didn't want those poor children to turn out like you, killing random people who you knew nothing about for a couple thousand.

You handed out all you had to give to the children, "I'll be back in a few hours with more for those who didn't get any." You repeated, waving goodbye to the kids.

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