Ghost boy - Harry Halloween AU

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I normally do Lawrence first, but since I don't want three Lawrence stories in a row I'll do Harry first for halloween. After this I'll go back to my normal order.

Fun fact about this story, It was going to be a normal story at first, with a slightly different plot line but I felt it was good for a Halloween story.

To be honest I kinda feel bad about not making it a cute story about trick or treating with Harry. So I guess if some of you are completely unsatisfied with all my hard work, I'll write a quick trick or treating story with him.

You clearly remember the day it was announced. Two years ago, on halloween night. A teenage boy, your age now (eighteen), was found dead. Ever since then the teenaged boys around the area claimed if you went to the place of his death, on halloween you could see him.

You never really knew him, even though he was your next door neighbour. What you did know was that he was sweet and looked out for the younger kids. And helped you once before.

He died, or was found outside the abandoned home a little ways into the woods from your house. Sadly, you felt in a way, responsible for his death.

You mentioned to him on a walk to school that you had a recurring nightmare about that house. You would always be walking towards the door, and just as you went to open the door, you woke up in a panic.

So, the two of you went for a walk to the house later that evening, since he suggested that maybe if you went to see the place of where your nightmare took place, maybe it would stop.

And it did, for a while that is.

He led you up the staircase. The sun was setting and you were getting unnerved.

A loud crack then echoed through the air, and you screamed. The boy comforted you enough to enter the building.

The two of you walked in, searched the house, then left. You felt better knowing it was safe, for once not dreading sleep.

He went home, but the next morning he was reported missing, and a few days later, on halloween, was found dead on the front porch of that old house. He didn't have and wounds, he was just, dead.

For a year and a bit you had been free of the nightmare, until just a few days ago, a few days before halloween, it came back, but different.

Now you came to the door, dread coating you. You would open the door and step in, sitting on the stairs just a dew steps forward from the door was the boy.

He was always facing away from you, his sliver hair that seemed to glow covering his eyes. He had a simple outfit, black jeans, white button down, and a light blue over sweater on, the outfit he had worn when you two went there together.

You would it up, drenched in sweat and tears, not knowing what to do. So you talked, you talked to the small brown bear teddy that you had since, well as long as you could remember.

You hadn't slept with it for years, it sat on your dresser collecting dust, that was until a few days ago when you needed to talk about your dreams.

No one believed you before, why would they now.

Today was halloween, and you just woke up from the worst one yet. The room was still dark, seeing as it was three am, and the nightmare still lingered in your mind. Like the phantom boy in it.

This time, when you got in the house and looked at him, he stood up and turned to face you completely, he slowly walked to you. "You can stop it, just do what we did before." Was all he said before it ended.

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