The Coin Dealer - Lawrence AU

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You wove your way through the crowds, holding the small pouch of coins in your small hand. A small smile on your delicate features.

Pushing opened the shop door the familiar chime of the bell met your ears. You smiled wider as you rush through the mostly empty building to the front desk.

You took a seat at one of the swivel chairs and wait for the handsome 'coin dealer' as he called himself to come out from the back.

"Ah, my fair y/n, you've come to see me!" He sighed, coming out from the back with a smile. He had a white button down with a brown vest over it, and black dress pants. He had round golden glasses, messy light brown hair. He spun a pocket watch around his finger.

"Of course." You chirped, leaning forward in your chair. He leaned down and lightly pecked your lips. Giggling you sat back.

"What did you bring to today?" He asked, now leaning on the table, eyeing the brown bag with golden string you placed on the table.

You always brought him some sort of coin or trinket you found, either on the streets, or somewhere in your house.

"I found some really old coins in my attic, I though you might find them interesting." You grinned, dumping the contents of the bag on the bar style table.

"Hmmm, very good y/n." He purred, reaching out and grabbing a few of the coins.

You watched him with a wide smile as he examined each of the pieces of gold and silver with a careful eye.

"Hey Lawrence?" You called sweetly.

"Yes, y/n?" He asked, looking up at you, interest in his hazel orbs.

You fished around in your pockets until you felt what you were looking for. You pulled out a stack of cards and placed them on the table.

"I found these in the bottom of my toy chest from when I was I child. I went through them and they have some interesting images on them."

Lawrence set the coins down and picked up the cards, adjusting his glasses. "Come back here and stand next to me." He said, smiling at you.

You grinned and jumped off the stool and rushed behind the table next to him.

He set down the cards for a brief moment, only to pick you up and set you on the lower side of the counter on this side of the table.

You loved when he did this, it meant he was very interested and wanted to be able to share it with you easier. You asked him once why you didn't go into the back to look at the stuff, he explained that customers shouldn't be allowed in the back, he was stretching the rules already by letting you behind the counter.

He picked back up the cards and sat next to you, both your backs facing the rest of the shop.

He wrapped his free arm around your slender waist and pulled you near.

"Would you do the honours and pick the first card?" He purred, holding the stack in front of you.

"Ah yes, ladies first." You teased, reaching out with one of your white laced hands and pulled the first card, flipping it over so the two of you could see the image.

A white tiger sat on the front, it was posed to attack.

"Interesting, these are unlike any playing cards I've seen." He mused, wrinkling his forehead in thought.

"I told you!" You said proudly, pulling another one off. This time it was a flaming bird of sorts. "What animal is that Lawrence?" You asked.

He smiled, he loved teaching you about mystical creatures. "That my dear, is a phoenix."

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