Birthday wishes - Lawrence

491 20 7

*Gender neutral reader because why not*

Word count: 1435


You peered in through the windows of the trashed shops while on a supply run. Today was your leader Lawrence's birthday, and you wanted to get him something special, even though it was the end of the world.

Sighing you looked back over to where the brunette stood talking to Sue while they looked at a map.

He reached up and ran his long fingers through his messy brown hair, then adjusted his glasses.

Blushing slightly, you looked back to the window of the once bakery.

You knew he loved to bake. He told you about it. Too bad there wasn't any place for baking in the end, let alone time.

"Y/n, come on, I think we might have found an area that might have food, it's not too far." Lawrence called.

"Coming!" You responded, jogging over to his side.

He smiled down at you. You smiled back.

The three of you slowly made your way down the dark streets. Stopping at any out of the ordinary sounds. None of you was in the mood to die today.

After a twenty minute walk you stopped at a small gas station and shop.

Lawrence went to the door first and managed to open it, he then went in, closely followed by you and Sue.

You split from the group and began walking down one of the aisles, keeping your ears perked, and body tense and ready to run at any sign of danger.

You grabbed a thing of ramen in a cup. There's gotta be something in here that would be a good gift for Lawrence. You thought, dropping the ramen into your bag.

Peeking down the next aisle you spotted Sue, who was checking the 'best before' date on a thing of bread. She sighed and shook her head, then dropped it on the floor.

It must have been moldy.

"Sue." You whispered, slipping over to her side.

"Hm?" She looked up at you, squinting her eyes, light from the sun reflected in them, partly blinding her.

"Can you think of anything Lawrence would want?" You hissed, eyes darting around, hopping Lawrence wasn't around to hear the two of you.

"I don't know, a book?" She shrugged, "Glasses cleaner?"

"Yeah, but those are hard to find!"

"Just get him a thing of like, gum."

"I don't think Lawrence is big on sugary sweets! He like baked goods though, but most of those have gone bad."

"Get him a whisk."


Sue shrugged again, "If he like's to bake, then get him a whisk."

"Where the hell's he gonna use that?"

"You never said it needed to be useful."

"Smart ass." You growled.

Sue rolled her eyes, "Just get him something from the heart."

"Ugh, but there's nothing that feels right!"

"I don't know y/n, I can't tell you what you should get, because then it wouldn't be as meaningful. Sorry."

"It's fine." You sighed, walking past her again.

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