!Valentines day A/N!

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Hello hello hello! 

Because I have the urge to do it I shall. Yandere stories will be (Partially) On hold. Please don't kill me. I may be updating them if I finish them when I don't want to write the valentines day ones.

After that I will try to publish the next Yandere story then in March I'll do a white day fics. And try to get another one or two yandere ones out.

Quick list of what I want to get done over the next few weeks:

1. (5) valentine fics

2. The (four) other yandere fics

3. Batter up- Ethan AU fluff

4. Rain dance- Harry fluff

5. Umbrella- Lawrence fluff/ minor angst

5. Devoted to you- Zion fluff/ minor angst (possibly)

6. Song- Eugene fluff

7. Fairytale AU's

8. (Maybe before some of these) White day fics

More content may come out other than this is if inspiration hits and I need to write it.

Have a good day/night! Remember to drink water and rest!

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