Masquerade - AU Series - Start

398 14 9

This will be a longer story (The series I mean)

Word count 1617

"Lets not say goodbye," He whispered to you, as the two of you danced around the empty halls of the mansion. "How about see again soon?"

"Okay." You whispered back, "See you again soon."

He smiled, "Right." He gently spun you around, then pulled you nearer. "I will see and meet you again."

"You say that all the time, but I never meet you in the waking world."

"I'm so sorry. But I will soon, and we will be together, happy." He cupped one of your cheeks, brushing your noses, "I promise." And with that he kissed you.

You laid your bed, the tingle of the kiss still on your lips like it really happened. You wondered if someone else out there was waking just like you. From the same dream, you touched your lips a small smile blossoming across them.

The romantic light of the moon shone down over you as you slowly got up to head down to the kitchen for some warm milk in hopes of going back to sleep to see him again.

One of your roommates, Sue, sat at the dining room table, sipping at her coffee and writing an essay for one of her classes, despite it being four am.

"You should really get some rest. It isn't even due till a few weeks after break, right?" You whispered as you took the milk out of the fridge.

"Yeah, but if I finish it now I can rest all week and have lots of time to proofread." Sue replied, taking another long sip of her coffee.

You shook your head, smiling slightly as you poured milk and a little honey into a sauce pan to simmer.

"Why are you up?" Sue asked.

Well that was an interesting answer. You were up until three reading fanfics on your favourite shows, then you passed out.

"Just can't sleep." You said shrugging.

"You were reading fanfics weren't you." Sue sighed, taking off her glasses and rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah." You sighed, stirring the milk some.

"I knew it."

"Well screw off Sue. At least I'm enjoying my break by doing something I like, not just working on school." You whined, shooting her a glare; Which she returned.

You took the pan off the stove after it had bubbled plenty and poured it into a tea mug to drink.

Sipping at it, you bid goodnight again to Sue and went back up to your room.

Judy snored quietly inside her room, as you passed by. The sound of rain from a sound machine came from Hailey's, which was across the hall from Judy.

A bit further down the hall was your room, then across from it, Sue's.

For fifth roommate got the upstairs platform over the kitchen, since her father owned the apartment building. Scarlett, the pain herself. She was tolerable sometimes, only sometimes though, and that was rare.

You pushed back open the door to you room and sat down on the bed, looking out the wide windows into the open star scattered sky's.

Smiling you took a long drink of your hot milk.

I really hope I can see him again.

Sadly, he didn't come back into your dreams. And he wouldn't. However he would come into your life.

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