Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Yandere AU- Lawrence

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lets go first update in like a year

If you notice my writing style change half way through, no you didn't

I can't explain it but Brand New City and Washing Machine Heart fit this in my mind

Also this ones a lot more dark because my writings changed some and it fits better. But like anyways tw for inferred mentions of non-con. Let me know if I should trigger warn anything else.

Words: 6627

"Don't you remember me?"


'One year before'

The rain poured outside your english classroom, blurring the world outside. You were supposed to be home. That's where you wanted to be at least, but you were stuck in the english classroom with your tutor, who was a grade a head of you.

Grade 11 and grade 10.

"Y/n, are you even listening to me?" He asked from the front of the class.

"Huh? Yeah, go on." You forced yourself to look at him again. He was sitting at the teachers desk, looking rather relaxed.

"You wanna head home hm?" He said, taking off his classing and polishing them on the brown vest of his uniform.

"No, why would I? Pffft."

"Don't lie to me. I know you hate this." He said, putting the glasses back on and giving you a gentle smile.

"Fine I do."

"I know... I honestly don't have anything to teach you right now, we're approaching winter break, and I don't see a point in going over anything, since grades were in today, and tomorrow is our last day. But we have to clock in today because today is the day." He sighed, tilting his head back to look at the ceiling. "Also your grades have gotten a lot better."

"At least we both don't wanna be here."

"Eh," He shrugged, "I'd rather stay here and talk to you than go home and do work." He looked back down to you, "What about you, what are you doing tonight?"

"I don't know, probably do some chores and then watch TV." You shrugged.

"Funner then what I'm doing." He got up and began walking toward you, "I don't know much about you, why don't we do that. Learn about each other to pass the time."

"Okay..." You agreed quietly, watching him pull up a chair to sit in front of your desk.

"Where do you live?" He asked.

"That's a strange thing to ask right away..."

"I don't mean to sound creepy, I'm just curious." He smiled, and for some reason that made you trust him.

"Oh, I live on (Street name)."

"I live near there. Not on the same road, but a few blocks away."

"Interesting... Okay my turn, what's your name again, I forgot." You smiled embarrassedly, looking down to the table.

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