Batter Up - Ethan

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I'm going to publish old drafts from 2021 lmao

They're probably going to be like >1000 words maybe just over

Gender Neutral Reader 

Words: 809

Puffs of steam left your slightly parted lips as you jogged towards the baseball field. It was early in the morning and the sun was just only starting to peek up above the horizon. You squeezed yourself between the fence and the fence door. That was half blocked by chunks of debris.

Ethan stood in the centre of the overgrown diamond, practicing his swings as you approached.

"Hey Ethie." You huffed, huffing to regain your breath.

"Hey," Ethan nodded your way, "Grab that ball over there, in the grass. Yeah, that one. Throw it at me." His sentences were short and curt unlike over text.

You over exaggerated your wind up like the players you'd see on television; lifting your leg up and pulling your hands back. 

Ethan let out an amused snort at how foolish you looked.

You stomped your foot down throwing the ball as hard and you could in Ethans direction and-

The ball sailed by him by meters and meters, hitting the chainlink fence with a rattling bang that sent you both cringing and looking around like deer.

Ethan motioned for you to come to him, which you heeded.

Minutes passed with no reaction from anywhere. You were still alone. Just the two of you in an overgrown baseball field.

"Lets... not do that again." Ethan sighed, smiling slightly.

"Yeah, looks like I need some more practice."

Ethan nodded silently, jogging to grab the baseball and passing it to you. "Toss it at me from here." There was probably only two meters between the two of you.

Nervously now, you lightly tossed the ball toward Ethan. Countless tries later, Ethan was tapping the ball seven of ten times.

"You tap it." Ethan said, passing you his bat. His prized bat that he got from his favourite coach.

"You sure?" You asked, carefully taking it from his hands, starting to hype yourself up to be able to do it.

Ethan nodded, scooping up the ball in his large hand and gently tossing it underhand at you.

Embarrassingly, you panicked and swung the bat way above the ball, missing it completely and nearly hitting Ethan with how straight your arms were and how far you were leaned in.

"Just a little tap, don't swing big. Try again." Ethan advised, grabbing the ball waiting for you to nod to him before he tossed it at you again.

And again you panicked, missing it again. However, you didn't swing out as far this time.

Luckily, Ethan never lost his patience, always picking up the ball with a little smile and nod of encouragement to you. Assuring you non verbally you were doing good and to not give up.

You flexed your fingers on the bat, trying to get feeling back into them as the biting fall air was beginning to seep into your bones. You let out a deep breath, focusing in on the ball.

Ethan tossed the ball and you reacted.

After a million tries you finally made contact, the bat gently tapping the ball.

You audibly cheered, dropping the bat to the ground and practically jumping into Ethans arms. Ethan hugged you back, gently picking you up and spinning you around. You couldn't stop laughing, grinning up at Ethan.

Ethan set you down again, both of you dizzy and smiling.

"Can I kiss you?" Ethan asked,

"What..?" You whispered breathlessly

"Can I kiss you."

You nodded before you had time to overthink.

Ethan gently cupped your jaw, kissing you softly with his chapped lips from the cold. "I'm proud of you."

You just nodded, still surprised at Ethans straightforwardness. You two were talking but you never made it official.

"Ahem." Both of your heads turned to see a disapproving Lawrence leaning against the gates. "I can't believe you two would skip the morning meeting to come out here and make out."

"Sorry, we came out here to practice our swings and lost track of ti-" You began to apologize, burning under Lawrence's stare.

"I don't want to hear it. I'll let the two of you off this time but don't let it happen again." Lawrence turned to leave.

Ethan grabbed his bat, nodding to the ball. You grabbed the ball, assuming Ethan wanted one last rep before he left.

You backed up until Ethan nodded for you to stop. You weren't certain you could throw accurately from this distance. But you threw anyways, the ball sailing through the air.

The bat connected to the ball with an echoing crack, sending it flying over the fence and through the air.

You turned around to see where it went just as you heard Lawrence yelp in surprise. Ethan had hit him square in the back of the head.

The two of you were going to be in deep shit for that one later.

And Ethan didn't seem to care.

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