Mistletoe- Christmas - Zion

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Prompt: "So, you've never been kissed under mistletoe?" "Actually, I've never been kissed at all."

Words: 2217

Please enjoy, by the way, I might only get to Eugene, Harry, and then a birthday thing for Zion. But I will try to get one for Lawrence and Ethan out if I can before Christmas.

You hummed your favourite Christmas tune as you hung up the brightly coloured bobbles on the fake spruce tree that Lawrence found and put up, with the help of Ethan, in 1-C.

Zion popped his head around the other side with a wide grin, before walking around it and grabbing another handful of the glass ornaments to hang up on his side.

Zion was your best friend, you shared everything; You dreamed together about the future, about what you wanted to do when it was all over.

"Careful Zion~" You sang, as you placed a clay gingerbread man dressed in a suit, up on the tree.

"Pshhh, I'm always careful." Zion snorted, and almost as if on cue one of the red bulbs covered in white lace fell to the floor and shattered into a million pieces.

You couldn't contain your laugher, "Ohohoh, Zion! Careful, yes that's you!" You shook your head and uttered softly, "Dumbass."

"Ay, I heard that bitch." Zion said, clearly pretending to be mad as he crouched down to pick up the red, splinters covering the floors. "You're pretty clumsy too."

"I'm not the one who dropped one of the few, precious ornaments we have." You threw your arm over your eyes, "Oh, oh my, I think I may faint from they shock of the break."

"Good, then I won't have to deal with you teasing me endlessly." Zion sighed, standing up, hand covered in the glass. You laughed, swinging your arm down to your side.

The door slid open and Harry came in, "He- Oh! We have a tree now! It's so pretty. Wow!" Harry stared in wonder at the tree as he slipped across the cluttered classroom to your side.

"You like it?" You asked, smiling up at him.

"I love it." Harry breathed, reaching out to brush his finger tips over the dangling, silver tinsel; Purple eyes laced with wonder and amazement.

"We're not even done!" You said excitedly, grabbing Harry's arm and giving it a shake, "You wanna help?"

Harry looked down at you with wide eyes. "Can I?"

You nodded quickly before pointing back to a the box filled with the shiny, multicoloured balls. "The ornaments are in there."

Harry nodded, smiling brightly. As you turned back to the tree you caught Zions stare and you would swear he looked... Jealous?

"Hey, Zion?" You asked, walking around the tree to his side and hanging up a golden orb.

"Yeah?" He said, not looking at you as he hung up another red ball with white lace near the top of the tree.

"What was that look about?"


"The one you gave me and Harry a moment ago."

"That one? I was just thinking how cute of a Christmas couple you two would make." He said simply, ruffling your hair with one hand, "You should ask him to the the dancer to your prancer."

"I can hear you two." Harry said from the other side of the tree.

"I know." Zion said, "That's half the point."

"That line about prancer and dancer sucked."

"Oh shut up Harry, you try to come up with something better." Zion growled. Harry just hummed on the other side.

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