Dracula - Lawrence AU - Part II

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Because I have no drive to complete the yandere fics I shall do this instead.

Is it obvious my writing has gotten better?

"You look so beautiful." Lawrence's voice was soft in your ear as you looked at your reflection in the mirror. Searching not your appearance but for any trace of him, even though you knew it wouldn't be there.

He was a vampire after all. 

"Don't you think you look beautiful?" He asked, twirling a strand of your hair around his finger. In the mirror it looked like a piece of you hair had began to float.

"Yes Lawrence. I look stunning." You agreed dully, looking briefly over the long white wedding dress you had on.

"I thought so. How lucky I am to marry such a beautiful woman." He sighed, fingertips running down your back.

"Very lucky."

"You don't sound happy though."

"I am over the moon." You stated simply, not looking away from the mirror.

"I know you aren't thrilled about this-"


"Don't play with me. I know you don't like this. But you made the right choice, and you may not be happy now, but I promise you will become so, very, happy." You heard him stand up from behind you, laying a hand on your head. "You can change out of that, I just wanted to see it to know if it was the right choice. I will see you for dinner in fifteen."

With that he left the room, door slamming shut behind him.

You remained looking in the grand mirror, examining every inch of your body now that he was gone. You knew very well that in a few short days you just may not be able to see yourself in the mirror anymore.

That was only a theory though, Lawrence hadn't said anything. Not that you even asked.

Your fingers found the soft white strings that wove along the back, tied at the top, that kept your white lace dress together. With a simple tug the dress was loosened and you could slip out of it, leaving it draped across the bed.

It was such a relief to slip back into your blouse and trousers, something familiar and comfortable.

Something you.

You looked over your shoulder back in the mirror, as lovely as you did look in the dress you felt better about yourself dressed like this. You felt like yourself, not like some expensive imposter.

Although it reminded you of the party you had snuck into early in your career. There was a story. The baron that was hosting it had a secret, and the only way for you to get in was to dress as one of the rich women attending and stay at the party to make a presence and then disappear to get the story.

In the end the baron was running a secret drug trade. And you found it. You ate like a king for weeks with the pay that came from it. And you had enough to travel to the next story and get a good inn.

God you missed those days. Even though it had only been a month since you agreed to marry the count for the well being of your - well not really friends - but acquaintances. Those who were left that is.

A famous (and not just because she was a woman, luckily) scientist Sue, childhood friend Judy, and a noble woman called Scarlett, had died in this building. And You supposed Jay, although he didn't necessarily die in the building, he perished in the gorge bellow trying to escape Lawrence. No one was allowed to look for his body.

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