Request Page

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Okay, so, uh. I have little to no motivation to work on any of my drafts at the moment. So I'd like to complete some random requests you guys give me. I'll try to get them out as soon as possible, I promiseeeee. 

I'm not kidding when I say I am willing to write whatever you guys ask of me. I just want to make something you guys want.


Character(s):                         (Can be more than one or character x character)
Pronouns of Y/n:
During, after, before, AU:
Do you want me to tag you in it?
(If more than one character is it a poly relationship, or love triangle)

(You don't have to fill out all of these but it makes sure I don't misunderstand and I don't want to let you guys down.)
I will try my hardest to put lots of lovely details in and make it as wonderful as I can.

I will write almost anything right now.
Text fic (I've never written one before so I'll try it out)
Whatever else you guys want to see I guess!

I will write for any character you want to see.

I hope I can get to everything but no promises.

Drink water and remember to rest <3

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