Lillies of the Valley- Zion AU

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Oh god here we go.

You walked across the house, metal watering can full of water, cutting deep grooves into your hands.

Being the new housekeeper of a wealthy family you still didn't know the house well and had spent the last ten minutes stumbling around trying to find the green house attachment that had the beautiful lily's of the valley you had come to love.

Watering the plants had become one of your favourite jobs to do.

"Hey you lost?" The redheaded son, Zion asked, as you accidentally walking into his room.

You squeaked in surprise, "No no! I'm fine. I be going." You bowed your head over and over as you backed out of the room.

"You are clearly lost, so I'm taking you to the... Greenhouse I'm guessing, seeing as you have a watering can." He sighed, getting up and jogging out into the hall after you.

"It's fine, really!" You said, trying to speed up to escape him.

"Nah, I have nothing better to do." He said, easily meeting your pace, "You should slow down. You might spill the water."

"I'm fine sir." You said in a rush.

"Seriously, call me Zion." He laughed, "I'll carry it, give it to me."

"NO! IT'S MY JOB AND I'LL DO IT!" You yelled, coming to a halt, the water sloshing around, some came out and soaked your outfit.

"Now look what you did." He laughed, "Come on, the greenhouse is only a little ways away." He motioned for you to follow him, which you did, all the while muttering angrily.

He pushed open a double set of doors and stepped in, holding one open for you. You entered and quickly walked over to the lily's and began watering them, ignoring Zion's presence.

"You seem to really like the lily's." He commented, coming to stand next to you. You stayed perfectly quiet.

"Come on talk to me, I want to be your friend." He sighed. Still you said nothing.

"The two of you must go on a quest."

You looked up at Zion in annoyance, "Cut the voice." You then noticed he had a shocked look on his face,

"You mean that wasn't you?"

"No? I thought it was you."

The two of you were perfectly quiet, a look of silent horror spreading over your features.

"It was me." The two of you slowly turned your heads to the lily's. One of the flowers was now a small lady with a dress made out of the white lily petals. She had pale green skin, and purple eyes, she had dark green hair and a white lily hat.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Zion yelled, jumping back. "You aren't supposed to talk!"

"And you aren't supposed to be flirting with the maid, yet you do it every time you see her." She wagged her finger at the red head. "You also shouldn't be talking about her in such-"

"-Ahahahah!" Zion cut her off, laughing awkwardly, "That's funny! This is all a big nightmare I'll wake up from at any moment!"

You stared at him for a long moment. His face was flushed a shade of crimson as he ruffled his hair and looked angrily at the lily lady.

Sighing you reached out and gently pressed your hand to his arm, "Relax, let's just hear what she has to say and we'll go from there."

Zion looked down at you before nodding and turning back to the lady, "What are you?" Zion asked.

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