It's not like I Like you! - Eugene AU - Valentines day

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Word count: 2289

❤A few days before❤

You tapped your pencil up and down on your desk, notebook opened to a blank page in front of you. It had been twenty minutes since you opened it and still you had no idea on how to impress your crush this valentines day and hopefully win his precious heart that he kept firmly guarded.

"Okay, what do you know he likes?" You mumbled to yourself, the question that you had been asking for what seemed like ages.

Chocolates would be too common. Music would take too long to write one yourself and buying him a song might seem strange. Make him lunch, that would be an awkward conversation. Flowers were also too common. So what else did he like?

Romance movies and books, he embarrassedly admitted that to you. You could get him a book? But you needed more than a book. However you still jotted down the words 'romance book'.

But what else would the boy like? He liked games, but that also seemed all wrong and not romantic enough to give.

Jewelry possibly, but he didn't seem to wear accessories like that, other than earrings. And the good, high quality ones could be very expensive, and you didn't know if you had enough, and you didn't want to cause him problems on white day, since he needed to buy something three times the amount of yours, if he felt the same way that was.

"Why is this so hard? He's just a boy!" You thought aloud, banging your head against the desk. "But dumb boy things aren't enough!"

A book and chocolates will be fine, right? Maybe offer to take him to the movies to see one of the romance movies on if he feels the same way?

That sounded like a solid enough plan.

Exhaling through your mouth you lifted your head, rubbing the sore spot where your head had made impact with the desk in your room.

Lets just hope he likes me back...

❤Present day❤

You wrapped the hardcover book in the shiny, silver wrapping paper, red lace next to you along with your phone so you could read the instructions on how to tie a nice bow and not the ones that go on shoes.

It was late at night, and valentines day was, well today now, since it was passed midnight. You had to stay up late to finish up some homework and wrap Eugene's gifts. After that you were going to put on a sleep mask so you looked fresh and not sleepless like you did quite often. You wanted to look nice for tomorrow.

Rubbing your eye, you slapped on the final piece of tape over the book. The book you had carefully selected for Eugene. It seemed cute and like something he'd like.

So, as quickly and neatly as you could you tied up the lace, and put the box of chocolates on top before stumbling up the stairs and onto your bed, not even bothering to put on the mask as you drifted off into dreamland.

Your blaring alarm shot you upright like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water over you. After your racing heart calmed down to a reasonable speed, you swung your legs out of the bed and onto the plush, f/c carpet that say on the floor.

"God damnit, I forgot about the mask." You cursed yourself quietly as you grabbed a towel and and walked into the washroom, turning on the hot water.

"God I'm dumb. I just hope I did put the lace on the book, and it doesn't look like shit." You mumbled, undressing and stepping into the water. The steamy water washing away your nerves of the day. Until you got out of the shower, and then they'd all come pouring down on you like the shower water.

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