Author's Note babes <33333

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Surprised people are still reading these if I'm honest, it's been months.I'm going to apologize now for being so inactive; I was busy with my finals, then I got a boyfriend and I lost track of time and forgot to continue these stories. I love him dearly and he is my greatest supporter of my writing, and my greatest critic.

I have become a better writer since last May and I will begin writing again but updates will be slow due to school and putting much more effort into my works to make sure they are all tip top for you, my beloved readers.

Reading the comments you all leave on my works is so amazing, it gives me so much joy to see the notifications of you guys leaving comments, reacting to my stories, and I try to get back to every single one of you to let you know I adore having you with me for my writing journey.

I hope you all are well and I look forward to sharing my writing with you all once again.

I love you babes <33333333

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