Tricks and Treats - Halloween- Eugene

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It's pretty long so... Also back to Female pronouns, it's what I'm used to, sorry!
It's also kinda similar to the Halloween special in the game at some points.

Words: 4700

Carefully you braided Eugene's stawberry blonde hair.

"Why are you doing this again?" He groaned, watching your hands work.

"Because it's cute?"

"No. Not cute."

You laughed softly and poked his nose. He crossed his eyes to look at his nose. "Cute." You stated.

"Shut up." He was quiet for a second, "What are you even gonna do with them anyways?"

"I'm making two so that I can put them in a braid crown. Your hairs long enough, and it should be cute."

"Can you stop saying cute?" He pouted, looking down at the floor.

You giggled, "But then I'd be lying." You put an elastic over the braid you just finished with a bright smile. You then moved to his other side to make another braid.

(Eugene's/ third person POV)

Eugene sighed and glanced to the door, making sure no one was coming. He didn't want to be found with y/n braiding his hair. That would be embarrassing.

He looked back at her, she was focused hard on what she was doing, e/c eyes squinting. He smiled some.

"Eugene?" She started,


"Did you celebrate Halloween before all this?"

"Yeah, I did. Only for the candy, it's always better when you don't have to pay for it."

Y/n smiled and giggled, "That does sound like you."

"I guess so."

"I wish we could go trick or treating together, It'd be fun."

What she said made him happy. She, the y/n, would go trick or treating with him. Of all people. 

"Yeah, sadly we can't." He growled. Internally he screamed at himself, it wasn't supposed to sound mean, it was supposed to sound nice(r). Old habits die hard I guess.

She smiled sadly, "Your right... That doesn't mean I can't dream."

Eugene stared at her silently, "Dream... That's... Pointless, dreams can't get you anywheres, not now at least."

"I know. I just... Like to try to imagine a world where everything's fine. We are all alive and healthy, and we are all friends. It helps me get through day to day life."

"That's cute." He said, sarcastically.

"Hey! How come you can say cute but I can't!" She whined, lightly punching his forearm, a pout on her lips.

"Because I mean it sarcastically you actually mean it. It's different you know." He said a-matter-of-factly.

"Asshole." She growled, going back to braiding.

"Ouch. that hurts my feelings."

"Oh shut up. There, second braid done, now I just gotta tie them together." She crawled back behind him and pulled the braids back.

"OW OW OW OW." Eugene yelped, hands shooting up to press the sides of his head, "You're pulling my hair!"

"Sorry!" She said quickly reaching down next to his hands and loosened some of the strands of hair, "There, that better?"

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