Roses - Harry AU - Valentines Day

219 14 3

Word count: 1112


A thornless red rose means love at first sight.

The words of your late grandmother echoed through your mind as you clipped off the thorns on the bloody red roses that you had been working on growing for weeks now.

You plucked a handful of white roses and began removing their thorns as well.

White roses carry the message of purity, loyalty, and innocence.

A handful of lavender roses, just like the eyes that captured your attention from day one.

The lavender rose represents wonder, mystery, and enchantment.

And finally deep red roses. 

Meaning deep, true love.

You gathered up the small pile of multicoloured roses, cutting off a long, thin strip of white lace, tying it tight together. You added one more to make sure that it didn't fall apart.

A smile perked at your lips as you lifted up the perfect bouquet of roses. Slowly you walked down the hallways of your house and out the door towards the cafe that your crush worked at.

He will have to love me when I hand him this. You thought proudly, remembering how much work you put in growing the roses and planning this out weeks in advance.

The clouds hug heavy overhead promising rain later in the day, but you weren't too worried. You were planning on going to your friends after, that was if plans didn't change, and they could come pick you up.

Some love song you couldn't quite place the name of blasted from the speakers along the road on poles, half muffled by the loud chatter of the people moving around you.

To be honest, the two of you had never really held a conversation other than 'what do you want today?' 'Oh I'd really like a _______.' But his eyes and friendly personality always made you happy and heart flutter.

It was to the point that you'd go to the cash that he was working even if it had a longer line up. You also only really went to the cafe when he was working, and if you did go and he wasn't their you felt let down.

Simply by chance you met, you were feeling tired so decided to stop in a cafe you normally didn't visit to get a coffee. When you got to the cash your eyes connected with the sweet boy know by Harry's light purple eyes and a gentle, 'Hi there can I take your order?'

It took you a moment to remember what you came there for and when you did it came out stuttery and you couldn't help but blush at yourself.

Harry laughed some, eyes crinkling at the corners, 'It's okay to be shy!' He said, 'Anyways, you said a coffee, right?' You nodded, not trusting your voice. 'Alrighty! It's will be done in just a moment!'

Maybe it was because it was from him, but that coffee was the best one you had tasted in a long time. And because it tasted so good, and because of Harry you showed up almost everyday after school.

You looked down to the roses in your hands with a smile, he would like them. He had too.

The small bell to the cafe chimed as you walked in, looking around behind the counter for the silver haired male. He was no where to be seen, not yet at least.

You slowly sank down into one of the plush stools watching and hoping for him to walk through the door to work.

After what felt like ages you looked down to flip through your phone, looking up every time you heard the door swing open and that beautiful bell ring through the chatter and music in the cafe.

When you looked up twenty minutes later you saw through the large glass windows covering the whole building that it was now pouring rain. Couples now walked hand and hand under umbrellas, wide smiles on their faces as they talked back and forth.

A jealous smile spread over your lips as you watched them until you couldn't anymore and had to look back down at your phone to stop the bitter pang in your chest from spreading any further.

It must have been hours you sat in the shop, at one point you did get up and buy a coffee, but Harry wasn't there.

Forlorn you walked out into the rain, after calling your friend to pick you up. You clutched the carefully made bouquet of roses.

He didn't come. He was probably spending the day with his valentine.

You looked down the street and your eyes caught on Harry, you still had a chance you just needed to get to him. You began to walk over towards him.

 A light haired girl walked out from behind the car he got out of to give him a hug, and you felt your heart begin to wither. He did have a girl. You were too late.

Roses fell out of your bouquet, falling onto the wet pavement until there was only a single lavender rose left in the bunch. Warm tears began to fall down your face to team up with the rain.

Harry was now walking towards you, going to the cafe, but he paused to gather up the flowers that fell to the ground, standing up with a smile.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

You thrusted the final flower out to him, "These were for you, give them to your girlfriend or something."

Harry cocked his head, "Girlfriend?"

"Yeah, the girl you were hugging a moment ago."

Harry looked back at the girl who was checking her phone, "Hey sis, why didn't you tell me you were my girlfriend?" He called teasingly.

"I thought you knew." She shouted back, looking up with a grin before waving and vanishing into the car.

"Nah, I don't have a girlfriend." Harry shrugged, looking down to the rose in your hand. "A purple rose, it's good for confessing your feelings to your crush." Harry quoted. You nodded dumbly. Harry grinned and picked out one from his arms, holding it out to you after taking yours.

You blinked in surprise, taking it from him.

"I have to work, but after we can spend time together, I'm off at four." Harry, took the lace from your hands, putting it on the roses again.

"I'm going to my friends now, can you pick me up after your shift?" You asked shyly.

Harry nodded, pulling his phone from his pocket and opening up his snap name tag for you to scan. "I'll text you when I'm off." Harry waved goodbye as he ran off into the cafe.

You just stood on the sidewalk in shock until your friend honking at you startled you out of your daydream.

What just happened? Did I really just get a boyfriend for valentines day? I guess I did... HOLY SHIT I HAVE A BOYFRIEND.

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