Date With Death - Lawrence Halloween AU

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"Good morning class, today we have a new student joining us." Your homeroom teacher announced, knocking you out of the delightful fantasy about beating up your math teacher.

"Probably another boring person." You muttered, but still looked up the the front of the classroom.

All around you classmates whispered about who it might be, whether or not they thought it was a girl or a boy, and what not.

A tall, and slender brunette boy with glasses stepped into the classroom. He seemed to take in each student carefully with his hazel eyes.

Then his gaze caught on you, he took you in with even more care than everyone else, and you did likewise.

He was fair, very fair, and he had dark circles under his eyes, making him look like he hadn't slept in weeks, other than that he seemed like your average tall, lean high school boy.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher asked. The boys head whipped around to him as he stared like the teacher just spoke a different language.

You somehow managed to stifle a laugh.

He then blinked rapidly, "Oh, yeah sure..." The then turned to face the class, focusing his eyes on you. "I'm Lawrence (What the hells his last name? Someone who knows please tell me.) I just transferred here. Nice to meet you all I guess." He shrugged, gaze never leaving you.

It was odd, really odd, since you were in the back off the class, out of notice from most in the classroom. Not only that but he seemed to bu unwilling to look away. It made you only slightly uneasy.

"Why don't go go sit next to y/n in the back, the seat next to hers open." Your teacher suggested. Lawrence didn't even glance at him as he nodded and silently made his way to the desk to your left.

You nervously looked over to him, he was no longer looking at you though, he was staring straight ahead to the chalkboard. Swallowing hard, you looked back ahead as well.

The teacher sat down at his desk, "You all can talk until announcements." He said.

You looked over to Lawrence again, he had his chin resting on his folded hands now.

"Hey, uh, Lawrence was it? Nice to meet you I'm-"

His eyes flicked over to you, "Y/n. I know you." He stated, looking back ahead.

"Yes, how did you know?" You asked, cocking your head.

He looked back over to you, "I know everyone, and everyone gets to know me eventually, even if they don't want to."

You swallowed uneasily again, flicking your eyes around, "Where are you from?"

"Down south... Way down south."

"Like Australia?"

"No, further."

"Antartica? Do you know the penguins?"

A small smile crept over his lips, "If I say yes will you stop asking?"

"Yep." You nodded.

"Then yes, I'm from Antartica, and I do know penguins. I can tell them you say hi."

"Yes please!" You nodded.

He shut his eyes and smiled fully, "You're... cute y/n."

"Thanks I guess." You mumbled, looking out over the class again, "That would sound nicer coming from some guy who didn't know my name randomly, and claim he knows me, when I have no clue who his is."

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