Biggest fan-Ethan AU

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Hahaha, here you guys go, I like to think this ones pretty wholesome.

Ethan noticed that the same girl kept showing up to every baseball game, and every practice the team had. She always had the same beautiful smile as she watched the team play. She always waved to him in the halls, and cheered him on at games.

The team called her, ''his little cheerleader'' or, ''his biggest fan.''

He wanted to introduce himself to her but she always disappeared before he could come over and talk to her.

You sat on the bleachers, watching the team chat idly, waiting for the coach to show up for practice.

Ethan looked over to were you sat, as if making sure you showed up.

You smiled and waved to him. He gave you a half smile and wave. You felt yourself well up with overflowing joy, your crush had noticed you.

The coach walked into the field. He was a middle aged man that had dark brown hair and was balding. He walked over to the bleachers and waved you over.

You stood up and straightened your skirt before walking over. You left your bag where you sat as if to say you were coming back.

"Y/n, just because it's like you're on the team since you are always here, the team wanted you to come to the next game with them, as like their cheerleader, is that cool?"

You blinked in surprise, you never thought EVER that you would get this kind of opportunity. "I'd love to, but what day is it? I'm going down south next week to visit my grandmother who's sick."

"It's this Sunday, starts at nine ends at noon, does that work?"

You tapped your chin, thinking hard, "I think so, yes. I have nothing going on."

"You can come to lunch with the team after if you so please."

"Thank you."

"Great, we'll talk again after, y/n." He said turning to leave, "Also, I hope your grandmother feels better soon."

"Thank you." You repeated.

You walked back to your seat on the bleachers and pulled the bag up onto your lap. "I just got the opportunity of a lifetime, to spend time with the team and with Ethan~ What are the chances?" You rested your chin on your hand, smiling like an idiot, a light blush on your face.

Ethan stared at you, he could have sworn he could see a cooky smile on your face and a blush, but he shook it off as a chance thing, you couldn't have been that happy, could you?

The coach called the team over to start practice...

'Time skip brought to you by the fact that I don't understand baseball'

You straightened your skirt and hopped down off the bleachers, swinging the bag over your shoulder.

You glanced over out the court to make sure your older sister had come to pick you up, there was a few times she 'forgot' to pick you up and you ended up needing to walk home. Luckily this was not one of those days. You didn't know if you could stand to have to run and avoid the team after agreeing to come along.

You cursed loudly and suddenly, making the team look over at you for where they chatted near the benches. You bushed and waved nervously.

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