Flushed face - Zion AU - Valentines day

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Words: 2276

❤A few days before❤

Girls nearby were giggling as they whispered about giving gifts to their boyfriends this valentines day, or giving a gift to their crush in an attempt to win their heart for their own.

Normally, you would roll your eyes at them thinking they were dumb, chasing love like that when in most cases it wouldn't turn out like they hoped it would.

So because of that you would sometimes be called 'scrooge of valentines'. You didn't care that much about what they called you.

This however wasn't a normal valentines day. This time you had a boyfriend to give gifts to, so you weren't going to yell at them. Or at least yet. Maybe if they started to be a real bother to you.

Even though you weren't planning to be a scrooge you weren't going to go giggle with the other girls about getting gifts for your boyfriend. That was still dumb in your book.

Adjusting the bag on your shoulder you began walking down the front stairs of your school towards home, tilting your face up to look at the fluffy clouds above that dropped, slow falling, soft snow onto the world around you, dusting every surface with the chilly powder.

"I should start tonight! I need to get in done in time!" One of the girls said above the others as she sat on a picnic table. That you had to roll your eyes at.

Depending on the gift you COULD get one earlier, but for most gifts, like chocolates and flowers, you were better off doing them as late as you could handle. 

And that was what you were telling yourself to feel better about procrastinating over your gift, since that was what you were getting- well making in terms of the chocolates that you told yourself you were going to make.

Turning down the sidewalk you watched others walk in and out of stores with full bags with everything from chocolates, to flowers, to jewelry.

At one point you thought about buying him something more expensive, but you chose against it since those were well expensive and you didn't want to spend that kind of money on your first valentines day. You could buy him better gifts later.

Puffs of steam left your lips, floating a few inches in the chilly air before vanishing. A smile teased the corners of your lips. The cold air nipped at your cheeks turning them a flushed red colour.

You paused in front of a restaurant, you had eaten there many times over. It wasn't too pricy and the food was good, so you booked a table for two for you and Zion on valentines day.

❤Present day❤

You tied off the elegant, red bow on the small bag that was filled with carefully made, homemade chocolates, made just minutes before for your redheaded boyfriend.

"Okay," You mumbled to yourself, popping one of the extra chocolates in your mouth, savouring the lovely, sweet taste as the chocolate melted on your tongue. "The chocolates are finished." You lifted your school bag up off the floor, swinging it over your shoulder.

Humming softly to the love song blasting on the radio and dancing some, you did a final check to make sure you had everything you needed to make this valentines day, perfect.

"I'll pick up flowers on the way to school." You lifted the bag up off the counter, counting one final time to make sure you had just enough. "Alright perfect." You nodded your head, happy with all the work you had put in all to get these perfect results.

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