Birdwatching- Hailey AU

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I have officially done an imagine for every one of the side characters than Jay.

Also sorry about the weird spacing I threw it in grammarly to check my spelling and it messed up the spacing and I cant fix it

Gender neutral reader

Words: 744

You giggled as Hailey pulled you towards the front doors. A smile sat on her almost always frightened face, giving it a new youth.

"Come on, y/n!" She said in a hushed tone despite the excitement, pushing open the heavy metal door with one of her slender hands.

Instantly the warm, wet spring air met your senses.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" You assured her as you followed her out. As excited as you were that Hailey was about to show you what had gotten her so happy in the last few days, you felt unease in your stomach when she told you it was outside.

You were a good partner and didn't tell her she shouldn't be going out herself and that it was too dangerous. Not to mention the scolding you'd get if you got caught.

Who were you to deny your girlfriend a simple pleasure that had helped ease her anxieties at this time?

The air was still, almost like it was holding its breath while the two of you scurried across the front yard. You raced from tree to tree to keep out of sight of the windows. Ears peeled for any sign of a zombie.

"You have to stay quiet, or you could scare them off," Hailey explained as you made your way to the back of the school. "They are very skittish."

She was always much more talkative around you and you alone; it made you smile to know she felt she could talk all she wanted to you.

"Who's they?" You asked, stopping in your tracks and dragging Hailey to a halt. "Hailey, this isn't dangerous right?"

"No more dangerous than coming out here any other time." Hailey's brow furrowed, "You don't think I'd lead you to something dangerous, do you?"

You swallowed, choosing your words carefully, "I know you wouldn't if you knew it was dangerous. I'm worried you made a poor judgment call before, sweetheart."

Hailey grasped your hand in hers, eyes pleading, "Please, trust me, just this once.""You know I always do; I just worry for us. I want us to make it out alive; so we can get married." You pressed your foreheads together.

"And we will. Promise." Hailey kissed your nose, "Can I show you my surprise, just for a moment? Please?"

You smiled, "Of course,"

Hailey began to speed walk with a new purpose. "We have to hurry though; it's only so long before someone realizes we are gone."

It seemed to you Hailey was leading you to nowhere in particular, just through the long untamed grass from tree to tree.

That was until she stopped the two of you in front of the hedge row in front of the old brick wall that surrounded the school.

She silently pressed her finger to her lips, motioning for you to remain silent as she gently pushed a few branches aside.

Curious, you peaked in the small gap in the branches. Cradled in a small nest in the bush were four baby birds, all cuddled up close together to preserve warmth between their still featherless bodies, sleeping peacefully.

"Their parents have to work extra hard to find food in this environment; they are often left alone like this for an hour or two," Hailey whispered so quietly you had to strain your ears to listen. "I come out here to check on them once a day to make sure the chicks are okay. I wish I could get birdseed for them, but I'm too scared to go out after the last time. Not to mention everyone would ask too many questions if I asked them to grab some."

You stared at her; she seemed greatly saddened at not being able to help the little birds more."I'm going out tomorrow; I'll pick you up a small bag of birdseed." You rubbed her shoulder, "We need to cherish the life left."

"Especially since there's been hardly any birds other than crows." Hailey added quietly, "It's so strange, but now, it seems like life is finally returning. Maybe the world is getting better, healing itself from the outside back in."

Hailey let the branches close back over the peaceful nest, protecting it from the outside world once again.

"Do you know what type of birds they are?" You asked, wrapping an arm around your girlfriend's shoulder as you began to walk back towards the school doors.

"Doves. I'd say that's a pretty good omen, wouldn't you?"

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