Masquerade- AU series- Harry

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(Just a special thing for this story: f/f/g = favourite fanfiction genre)

Smiling shyly, you made eye contact with the gentle, silver haired boy, extending you hand you him. Which he took with a wide smile and a quiet 'thanks.'

"Sorry!" You waved to the other four boys as you and mr. deer mask walked off hand in hand.

Truth is from the moment you opened your eyes he caught your eye, and you wanted him to ask you to dance.

Ignoring the looks that the other party goes gave the two of you, he led you out into and expansive garden on the roof. The music still played out here, but the chatter was only a mumble of what it was.

"Sorry, I get headaches if there's too much noise." He apologized, smiling at you then looking up to the glowing full moon.

"It's fine, really. I was getting tired if being around everyone anyways." You smiled, slipping your hand from his and coming in front of him.

Carefully, he ran his fingers through your h/c locks, looking back down to you. "So..." He laughed awkwardly, "What's your name?"

"Y/n." You said shyly, wiggling your hips so the skirt of your f/c dress swished around your legs. "You?"

"I'm Harry." He said, "Can I... Touch your waist?"

You raise your eyebrows, "Oh... Sure." It was an odd question, but you trusted him.

One of your hands met your waist. The one that was resting on your head gently took your hand, fingers weaving together like two parts of a puzzle piece.

"Dance?" You breathed out, meeting his lavender eyes that reflected the moon.

"Yeah, dance, is that okay?" He responded, "If you don't want to we can find somewhere to sit instead."

"No it's fine." You shook your head, eyes never leaving his. It was like you were trapped in two pools of purple and didn't want to come up for air; you hardly noticed when he stared slowly swaying along with you.

"You know, I never though you'd choose me over the others." He chuckled.

The other boys, holy shit I forgot they existed.

"But you did, my only question is why?"

You lowered your eyes to trace the rest of his facial features as you pondered that question. "Are you saying I shouldn't have picked you?"

"No, that's not what I'm trying to say. It's just... The others had things that I don't, like the red head has millions of dollars, the black haired one is an athlete and muscular, the brown haired one is in collage and has high honours, the blonde one... Well he just plays piano, but still."

You laughed softly, "I didn't know anything about that when I looked at them. I mean besides the muscular part. I just judged you on how you reacted to me falling, and you caught my eye, with your beautiful visual and your kindness."

Harry smiled, and leaned his head down so your foreheads pressed together. You fluttered your eyes closed, and breathed deeply, smelling his cologne- which you normally hated, but his smelled nice.

"Well shit." You swore, breaking away and looking of at some lavenders a few feet away. "I told myself I wouldn't fall in love at the party on the way here."

"Fallen in love?"

"Nevermind, ignore what I said." You said quickly.

"Alright, if that's what you want." To your relief he didn't ask anymore about it, because your didn't know how you'd respond if he did. "So, do you have any hobbies?" Harry asked.

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