Lillies of the valley- Zion AU- Part II

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Ah shit, here we go again.

Words: 1709

You stalked along behind Zion, fists clenched, and legs shaking. It took everything in you to walk in a straight line because your headache had gotten so bad. There was no doubt in your mind anymore that you had a concussion.

"Zion, stop." You groaned, stopping. Zion looked back at you pausing, his eyes widened in horror as he watched you spit up bile and some liquid that looked like blood.

"Y/N!" He yelled, "WE NEED TO GO BACK, NOW! YOU'RE SPITTING UP BLOOD." He ran to your side and rested his hand on your back.

"Piss off, I'm okay, let's keep going." You choked it out, blood dripping out of the corner of your mouth.

"We're doing this for a damn FAIRY, y/n." He cried, clenching his fist. "You matter so much then a dumb mythical creature."

"Zion! Please, we need to do this, I need to-" You broke off into hacking coughs, your body shook with each one.

"Y/n, please, stop this." He begged, you had never heard him sound so desperate. "You're gonna die out here!"

"Zion..." You gasped, the world spinning, you kept trying to focus on him but you couldn't. Your eyes rolled back and you fell to the ground with a loud, dull, thud.

You woke up many hours later. You were bundled up tight in Zions sweater next to a campfire. Zion stared deep into the flames, they reflected in his golden eyes.

"Zion?" You rasped.

He looked up and over to you, "Y/n." He said, a slight smile crossing his lips. "That was so dumb of you! Now we're trapped out here overnight?" He growled, crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry. We should've went back."

"Now you are being rational. We will head back by morning."

"Good." You groaned, moved putting your head back down on the moss bed Zion must have made for you.

"You aren't going to try to object?" He asked, shocked.

"No, I'm in too much pain."

Zion got up and walked over to lay next to you, "I'll keep watch, you rest." He muttered, rubbing your feverishly heated skin.

You sighed and let your heavy eyes close.

"Good girl."

You woke to the feeling of being carried. You opened your aching eyes a slit to look out.

It was still dark out. You noticed that first.

Zion was piggybacking you through the woods. His heartbeat softly against your chest, and his steady breaths calmed you down enough that you felt your eyes getting heavy again.

He stumbled some over a root in the ground. You groaned softly as your head bumped against his back.

"Awake kid?" He asked, rubbing your leg some.

"Yeah." You whispered.

"How you feeling?"

"I'm still in a lot of pain."

"I bet."

After a few minutes of silence you asked, "Why are we moving again?"

"I heard wolves in the distance where we were. I'm not risking running into those demon wolves again." He replied, rolling his shoulders.

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