Can't wait to see you part II - Eugene AU

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'More mentions of suicide'
'Read part one please'
'this ones going to be longer so that I can write a new story next time for Eugene lol'

Eugene pushed open the door to his place, "Hello? Mom?" He called. No reply.

"She was here before, she might have just left to go out to the store, or work." You reasoned, squeezing his hand.

"Yeah..." He looked back to you, "Come on, you need rest." He sighed, pulling you towards the stairs.

He led you up the stairs and to the door to him room. He pushed it open and pulled you in.

You slipped your hand out of his and took a seat on his bed. He smiled at you faintly, then frowned after looking at your body.

"Something wrong?" You asked nervously, shifting under his gaze.

"I'm not letting you sleep in that dress." He stated simply, walking over to his dresser. He took out a t-shirt and shorts and handed them to you. "Change into this." He walked out the door and shut it behind him.

You changed into his clothes, the shirt fitted loosely to your body and hung off your shoulder, and the pants were almost to your knees but fit nicely in the hips. You put his photo on the dresser.

"Eugene, you can come in." You called sweetly. As soon as the words left your lips, the door opened and Eugene stepped back in.

"Now it's your turn to leave the room so I can change." He sighed.

You nodded and walked out the door, a few moments later the door opened again, Eugene popped his head out and looked at you, "Come in."

He was wearing an outfit almost identical to yours.

You followed him back into the room. You took a seat on his bed again as you watched him take out a makeup removal wipe from the pack on his dresser and walk over to you.

He crouched in front of you and began wiping down your face. "I'm not letting you sleep with makeup on, it's bad for your skin."

After he had throughly wiped you down he threw the cloth in the trash and got another to wipe his face down with.

Sighing he laid down on his bed and held out his hands for you.

You quickly climbed into his arms and curled up against him, his steady heartbeat calming your still tensed muscles.

He rubbed your waist softly, "I missed you." He whispered into your hair. You looked up to meet his amber gaze, that looked at you with so much tenderness it made your heart melt.

"I missed you so much." You cupped his cheeks,

"No shit. You tried to die just to see me again." He teased, poking your stomach.

"What happened to you?" You breathed, pressing your foreheads together.

"I'll explain later. I promise, for now I want you to rest." He kissed the tip of your nose.

You sighed happily, you buried your head in his neck, breathing in the smell of hospital and the undertones of his cologne. He pulled the blankets around you tightly.

You soon felt his breathing slow as he fell into sleep. You looked up at his boyish face, you hated saying it but you wondered when it was he'd breakup with you for a better girl.

You could still remember the first day you met him, down to the very detail of what time it was. For some reason after meeting him for a few minutes you told him all about your struggle with mental health, the thing you had never told anyone before about.

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