You look good in pink - Scarlett

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@FuckingLifeSucks, here is your request, I hope you enjoy!

It's rather short but I still hope you like it.

Tried to add more depth and story to Scarlett since LucyDream didn't do it. 

Words: 2126

The large parcel wrapped in brown paper and twine, laying neatly on your bed when you walked in shocked you, to say the least. Slowly approaching it and lifting it up you shook it gently, taking note that it was very light and hardly rattled at all.

"Who would give me a gift?" You mumbled, scratching your head and taking a seat on the futon that made as your bed. "Why would they give me a gift?" Your fingers undid the small, elegant bow that held the gift closed.

As the brown paper fell off you saw that underneath was an amazon box, it was beat up pretty bad, but successfully hid what was inside.

"What is it?" You wondered again, beginning to become excited at what could be hiding in the well taped box.

Pulling out your pocket knife, you cut through the thick layer of what seemed to have once have been see through tape before it was layered so thick.

Tearing open the box you saw a fluffy, pink winter jacket crammed into the small space with a small chocolate bar on the top.

"Huh." You blinked your eyes, removing the chocolate bar- which just so happened to be your favourite- from the top of the box and setting it off to the side while you took out the jacket.

It was soft on your hands and seemed to be a thick enough material to keep you warm in the cold winds of winder.

"I guess I should try it on..." You said to yourself, "Make sure it fits..." You slid on the jacket, zipping it up to your chin. It seemed to fit almost perfectly, besides the fact that it was just a little large, but luckily you liked that.

"It seems warm enough..." You said, examining the pink coat carefully, noting that it had a fluffy pink lining on the inside. However there was one thing that troubled you; You hadn't told anyone that you needed a new coat.

Frowning some you stood back up, deciding on not eating the chocolate then and saving it for later, and instead heading to 1-C to see what everyone was up to.

Even through it was moderately chilly out, the jacket was good at its job and you were beginning to sweat- you unzipped the jacket but kept in on, revealing your oversized black t shirt you wore under it.

Sliding open the door of 1-C you noticed Scarlett, Zion, and Harry all mostly doing their own thing.

"Oh, nice jacket y/n!" Harry said, looking over to you with a smile, "Is it new?"

"Huh, yeah I think it is. I just came into my room and it was there." You replied walking over to him, placing your hands on your hips.

"Oh, I wonder if it belongs to someone then?" Harry said softly, reaching out to touch the fabric, "It seems warm."

"Is warm; as for if it belongs to someone, why would they put it in my room and wrapped and tied."

"Well that does sound more like a gift than something accidentally put in your room by mistake." Harry said, playing with a strand of his sliver hair, "Do you have any clue who could have given it to you?"

"Not a clue, no one was nearby at the time." You said, toying with the zipper, "So I could be anyone, even you."

"It isn't me, I can tell you that much." Harry said, twisting his lips into a slight frown and tapping his chin.

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