Heterochromia Soulmate- Ethan AU

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Looking for romance prompts on Tumblr and I found this.

Prompt: Everyone is born with two eye colours, right is your natural one, and left is your soulmates.

You stood in your standalone mirror, staring at your eyes. One, your right, was your natural colour, e/c. Your left, your soulmates, whoever that was, as a sea foamy aqua colour. Never, in all your years of life had you met someone with eyes life that. You had met people with blue eyes, green eyes, but no aqua. It wasn't a dim aqua either, like some people have, where it is blue or green, with a tinting of the other. This was like, pencil crayon aqua colour.

Sighing, you shook your head and put in your e/c contact.

The contact was a suggestion from your best friend. She said that since the chances of meeting someone with that eye colour in your life is so low, you might as well have two identical eyes and be seen as 'a master of who you choose.' You however thought that it will just make people with the same e/c as you believe you were their soulmate. However, your friend seemed to be right so far.

Blinking rapidly you walked down the hallway to the kitchen. A small note and eggs and toast sat on the table.

You walked over and picked up the bright yellow sticky note. In your mothers handwriting it said, "Good morning, here's your breakfast. Have a good first day of school, and try to make friends."

"Oh yeah." You muttered, crumpling the note in your hand, "We aren't home. We moved." You stuffed the note into your blazer pocket before picking up the slice of toast and eating it quickly.

You glanced down at the egg. Sighing you went and through it out. Thinking about today had made you feel sick.

You grabbed your f/c messenger bag, and walked out the front door.

Why did you have to move, AGAIN? Your mother was unable to keep a job for more than a few months, and every time she made you move, saying; 'new chances are in the next city' The last city you stayed in was the only one that made you feel like it could be home. The only one where you actually had friends.

You kicked a stone down the street, it slid across the ground, and to your horror, hit a slope in the sidewalk, flew up in the air, and hit a boy in the back of the head.

Freezing in your tracks, eyes wide with terror, and mouth hanging open. You watched the male slowly turn around rubbing the back of his head.

When he turned around you could see him fully, it was only a quick look, but you could have sworn he had the one aqua eye.

"H-HEY!" You shouted, cursing yourself for stuttering, "I'M REALLY SORRY! I DIDN'T THINK IT'D HIT YOU!"

The male, nodded and waved at you with the back of his hand, never stopping walking.

You noticed that he had black hair, and was wearing the schools male uniform.

He goes to my school?! No, this can't be happening! I just hit a boy that goes to my school, in the head with a rock. No way. Not to mention if his eye really is aqua, and it's his natural one he could be my soulmate. That would make it so much worseee. Oh nooooo.

 You trailed along behind him until you reached the doors to the high school. Then you lost him in a crowd of girls that came running over to him like sheep.

"God. I hope he doesn't tell them I hit him with a rock. Then I'll be the most hated person on school grounds on the first day." You muttered, walking away from where he went. You slipped in through the doors, and into the principles office to get your locker and class.

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