Masquerade - AU Series - Zion

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In light of the Christmas holidays I will now start writing Christmas stories.


~This is not a lemon I want to start off by saying! But does get kinda saucy. So do not read if you are uncomfortable with that sort thing!~

Reader and Zion are of drinking age
(In my country 18's the drinking age but I know that's not true of everywhere)

Your hand hardly touched the redheads when he pulled you up and slung you over his shoulders, flashing a cocky smirk to the other boys, walking off into the crowd.

"HEY!" You yelped, "Put me down! What if people can see up my skirt!" You said, reaching back to tug down on your skirt with one hand and clung to his shoulder with the other.

"Sorry doll." He laughed after bringing you into the middle of the dance floor and placing you down on the marble floors.

"It's fine-!" You squeaked in shock as he wrapped his arms around your waist and began dancing with you, grinning widely.

"So, what brings you here?"

"My friends, they wanted to come." You said, looking down at the floor, shocked to say the least.

"Thats a good enough reason! Glad you came!" He said. You looked back up to him, he was grinning widely down at you, golden eyes gleaming from under the gold mask.

"Uh! Yeah, me too... I guess." You said quickly, after you realized you had been staring at him.

He laughed softly, looking around then back to you. "That cat mask looks beautiful on you, it really compliments your look."

"Thanks, your lion mask is nice too."

He laughed, "That sounds like you are just trying to return the compliment." 

"Maybe I was. Is that a bad thing?"

"Hm, no. But I'd rather a genuine one. I get enough fake compliments." He sighed, looking back behind him.

"So, what brings you here?" You asked, trying to take the topic off how many of his compliments are fake. Since that may be a sensitive topic.

"Well," He chuckled, looking back down to you, eyes shining with pride, "I live here."

"Wait, really?" You gasped, eyes widening. Out of everyone here you could have danced with you got the boy who lived here. Both pride that he chose you to dance with him, and embarrassment that he had seen you flooded you.

"Yeah, you impressed?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Quite." You nodded, smiling up at him.

"Yeah, a lot of people are." He said, smile fading, "But you seem a lot cooler than them." His cocky smile returning again.

"Well, that for you to decide." You laughed, patting his forearm.

"You are. I've decided."He said confidently, swishing you quickly to the left, another squeak of surprise left your lips.

"T-thanks?" You gasped, heart thundering, since your feet nearly came out from under you when he spun you.


"So, I didn't catch your name." You said, trying to be as formal as possible to impress him.

"What kind of name would you give me? I want to hear what you think I'd be named."

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