Triangle Love - Ethan x Reader x Eugene

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@MousiePooTheGreat. Thank you for suggesting this my lovely. I was worried at first, because I never wrote anything like this before, but I like how it came out. <3

Word count: 1665

The cool fall breeze washed over you, making you shiver and rub your arms through the thin black coat that you pulled on in a hurry. You lifted you hands up to your face, blowing on them trying to get warmth into them.

"Should have grabbed a warmer jacket stupid." Eugene laughed from his seat on the edge of the roof as he looked back at you.

"Shut up, you're just in a hoodie."

"A warmer hoodie compared that thin coat." Eugene snorted, looking back out over the buildings of your small hometown.

"Can you please just help me warm up?"

"No, that's Ethans job, being clingy. I am here to laugh at you and get fed, that's why I'm in this relationship after all. Also if you are so cold then go inside and get a warmer coat." He didn't look back to you as he spoke. "Go on, go." He waved at you with the back of his hand.

You stuck out your tongue at him behind his back, crossing your arms and looking away like a scolded child.

"Stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"Acting like I'm so mean for saying it how it is. Besides you love me."

"You're glad I do or I wouldn't put up with you." You sniffed, adjusting the coat over your shoulders.

Eugene sighed and stood up, stretching his arms out before walking towards you, brushing your hair back from your eyes. "Ethan will be back soon, I promise." He pressed your foreheads together, and pulling you near; letting you get a taste of his warmth.

That's why you were up here, you guys were waiting for your other boyfriend, Ethan to get back from supply run with Sue and Zion.

"Mhm, Ethan's a good survivor."

"Yeah, and only outdone by me."

"Just keep telling yourself that."

"I do, trust me." He let go of you and walked back to the edge, looking out over the city again. Now freezing once again, and having a taste of heat, you rushed over to his side and wrapped your arms around him, soaking up as much as you could.

Eugene snorted out a laugh, resting his hands down on yours. "Cold hm? Wanna go back in?"

"No! I want to stay out here and keep watch with you!"

"What if we both go in, we can hangout in the music room."

You pouted your lips, considering his tempting offer. "No, I want to watch for Ethan."

"We can do that from inside."

"But we can see better from up here!"

"I'm seriously thinking you love him more than me."

"So what if I do?"

"Well then I might as well leave this relationship!" Eugene said matter of factly, not looking at you.

"You wouldn't. I love both of you equally anyways." You smiled and kissed his surprisingly warm cheek. His face instantly lit up a crimson colour at the unexpected touch.

"Bet you'd kiss Ethan better than that." He managed out, looking away.

"Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe it is." He said looking over to you, staring you dead in the eyes.

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