How To Make Chocolates For Your Love - Lawrence AU - Valentines day

408 11 4

Word count: 981

This is a real recipe I found online.

Kinda lowkey rushed out of panic.


How to make molded chocolate candies

Begin by gathering your ingredients.

1/2 cup heavy cream6 oz. (1 cup) chopped bittersweet chocolate1/2 tsp. vanilla2 lbs. chocolate candy coating or tempered semi-sweet chocolateHeart-shaped candy molds

You read out the ingredients to your boyfriend that walked around, gathering up all the items you listed off to him.

You watched Lawrence with a smile as you tapped your foot along to the radio which was having their valentines day special today.

"You know I'm supposed to be the one making chocolates for you, right?" You commented, "You can just sit back and relax while I spoil you with gifts."

"But it's funner and more couple-like to do it this way, don't you agree?" Lawrence replied with, setting down the armful of stuff before going to grab measuring supplies.

"I guess." You shrugged, opening the bottle of vanilla and taking a deep breath of the sweet smell wondering once again how something that smelled so good taste so bitter it.

"Don't drop that." Lawrence said, giving you a kiss to the top of the head as he placed down the measuring the supplies and the heart molds down next to you.

"I'm not." You said, placing the vanilla down on the counter next to you. Lawrence chuckled softly.

"What's the next step?"

You lifted up your phone peering at the next instructions, "We need to heat the cream." You said, smiling over at Lawrence, "To make the filling."

"Alight! You measure the cream while I grab a pot." Lawrence grinned, walking over to grab a pot while you measured out a half cup of the heavy cream.

You then hummed softly as you walked over to the stove where Lawrence waited with the small pot. You dumped the cream in while Lawrence turned on the heat. 

"While we wait for that to boil, what's next?"

"Uhmmmm," You ran across the kitchen, snatching up your phone and looking, "We should put the bitter sweet chocolates in a heat-safe bowl." You looked over to Lawrence who was already moving, grabbing a bowl from one of the drawers in is large hands and walking over to you.

"You put the chocolate in, I'm going to go stir the cream." Lawrence, kissed just above your brow, turning and walking to the stove.

You smiled happily, dumping the cup of chocolate into the bowl, popping a few that you didn't need into your mouth while reading ahead.

"The cream is simmering, what next doll?"

"You pour the hot cream into the bowl with the chocolates and mix it all up." You explained, moving out of the way as Lawrence made his way over with the hot pot, dumping the content onto the dark chocolate, causing some of it to melt instantly.

You then grabbed a fork and began to slowly move the chunks of chocolate around, waiting for them to melt enough to properly mix together.

"Don't burn yourself." Lawrence warned as he ran warm water over the pan, looking back at you to make sure you didn't hurt yourself.

"I won't." You assured, looking to him with a reassuring smile, "I know what I'm doing!" Then you began to add more pressure as you mixed. Watching the chocolate slowly begin to vanish and become one with the cream.

Lawrence walked over, wiping his hands off on a towel.

A few minutes later and you had a lovely chocolate paste-like mixture.

"What next?"

"We melt the other chocolate and put in the mold." You said, grabbing one of the heart shaped molds and holding it up to him.

Lawrence nodded, grabbing another pot and melting the other chocolate into it. You stood next to him, watching as the chocolate slowly melted into a puddle at the bottom.

Lawrence then moved the pot after the chocolate had melted and poured it evenly into the hearts, walking over to wash it off like the last one.

You headed over to the hearts where you waited for a minute like the recipe called for before tipping it over a small spread of parchment paper and letting the extra dribble out then doing the same with the rest.

Quickly you ran over to get a flat knife, running it over the tops, taking off the excess chocolate.

You then moved the molds into the fridge too cool before adding the paste.

Lawrence came over and gently took your hands, swaying the two of you back and forth across the room slowly along to the music.

You allowed your eyes to close as you basked in the moment, and when you opened your eyes again ten minutes had already passed.

"Okay, we need to finish the chocolates!" You slipped out of his warm embrace, running over to the fridge, taking out the now cold molds. "You spoon some paste in, then I'll put more chocolate on top!" You said, kissing Lawrence's jaw, "The instructions say do them apart but it's quicker if we do it this way."

With the two of you working it look only a few minutes to fill them all and get them in the fridge.

The two of you then ran over to the couch, turning on a movie, curling up side by side under the blankets, whispering theories about the movie back and forth.

About two hours later you got up and popped the fresh chocolates into a small bowl before running off to the couch where Lawrence was looking for a new movie to watch together.

You sat down with a wide smile, holding out a chocolate to him. Lawrence looked over to you, then down to the chocolate, then back up to you as he ate it out of your hand.

"They're good!" Lawrence nodded in satisfaction, lifting one of them up and feeding it to you with a warm smile.

"Very good!" You nodded, laying down against his chest again, popping another into your mouth.

Lawrence leaned down and tenderly kissed your lips, "Happy valentines day doll."

"Happy Valentines day!" You grinned, eyes crinkling.

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