Dracula- Lawrence AU

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This isn't based off of the book for the people who were hoping it was. This is just a AU where Lawrence is a vampire.

This ones going to be pretty long so I don't have to make another two plus parter. Somethings may seem rushed just so the story moves faster.

If someone makes an among us joke I will find you and end your bloodline.

Word count for those who want it: 4375 

You sat in the back of the carriage riding up the mountain to the mansion that sat on top of it. The driver seemed uneasy driving up to this building, but didn't want to talk about why.

When you had asked him to take you to Count Lawrence's mansion, a dark look fell over his face but he agreed, but he told you that he would drop you off and then leave right after you got your stuff off the back. He also seemed uncomfortable driving a woman in trousers.

It was the early 1900th century and you were a female adventurer and journalist, rather famous among women and younger men, and infamous among most men.

You and nine other people got invitations to this counts mansion, overlooking the sleepy town of Lybster.

The invitation showed up one rainy night at the hotel you were staying at the time. It was written on aged paper in fancy calligraphy in bright red ink that was still running. You had your doubts it was red ink, something in the back of your head said it was blood.

Despite this red flag you were still intrigued by this odd letter, which read : ' Dearest Ms. Y/n L/n, I would love to have you over to my home for a dinner party, along with others like you from around the land. Please come by December 19th or you shall not be allowed in. I live in the mansion over the town of Lybster which is next to the east sea. I hope to see you there, Count Lawrence. '

You watched the massive gates of the mansion coming up along the path. Then beyond that there was a massive house. Although it was getting dark, not a single candle was lit in the whole house.

Once you reached the gates the screeched open on their own and you began riding back up into the mansion.

You heard the diver clear his throat nervously. You however were barely fazed. You had been too many scary houses that were 'haunted' to do research.

"Who alls going to be there? Will it be anyone I went to the academy with?" You wondered, biting softly on your pointer finger, lost in thought.

"Ms. Y/n..." The driver mumbled, "We're here."

You looked up. You had arrived at the doors to the house. You grabbed your bag filled with your meer belongings and hopped out the door.

The front doors swung open, the driver flinched back.

You looked over, a handsome brunette with round glasses and a fancy suit descended the stairs towards you.

"I have to go." The driver said in a rush before riding off in a panic.

The brunette smiled at you and took your left hand in his and gently kissed the back of it. "Hello Ms. Y/n, I am your host, Lawrence."

"It's a pleasure." You bowed your head in respect.

"The pleasure is mine." He gently took your bag and began walking up the stairs to the grand cherry wood, french doors.

He pushed open the doors and walked in.

Two grand twin staircases with red carpets on them was the first thing to meet your eyes after he swished his hand in the air and candles lit up.

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