Sick- Harry AU

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Mc has coviddd. I don't know much about covid myself, so yeah. Please enjoy.

Also, kind of a part two of flowers?

You hated being sick in general. But this time it was worse. You had caught the corona.

How did you catch it? You went to a party in your town. your friends invited you and your boyfriend, because it was 'safe' in your town. What a lie that was.

Shortly after coming back from the party you began to feel very ill. So Harry took you to get tested. You came back positive, luckily he came back negative.

So ever since, you had been locked away in your shared bedroom, all alone, not allowed to interact with anyone.

Harry was forced to sleep on the couch in the living room of your shared apartment.

Every morning you would wake up to a not slipped under your door telling you breakfast was on the other side and that he hoped you had a good day while he was away at work. If you needed anything you could call.

You had almost no appetite, but you ate the meals he gave you to keep your strength up to fight the virus. You didn't eat lunch, since the two of you found over a course of days that that just made you sicker. And you didn't like spending more time than needed leaning over the toilet in  washroom connected to the bedroom.

One of the good things that came out of it was the fact that you could play on your PS5 the whole day, and draw. That got boring fast though.

The only thing keeping you sane was eating supper with your boyfriend. You couldn't see him face to face though, so you sat on either side of the bedroom door, eating your meals, as you listened to him talk about his day at work.

Your high school had shut down because of covid, but Harry still had to work since he worked as a daycare helper. He was always amazing with kids.

It was surprising to both of you when you found out he still needed to work, but parents still wanted their kids to be taken care of while they did their jobs that didn't close.

As sad as you were that you couldn't talk to him all day, you were glad that he could make money to support the two of you.

About six months ago the two of you managed to convince your parents to let you move into an apartment with Harry.

You rolled over on your bed so you would be facing the door. Coughing dryly you sat up and grabbed your water bottle off the bedside table and gulped down water, trying to soothe your aching throat.

You whimpered and laid back down, swallowing hurt, talking hurt, breathing hurt sometimes.

Your phone rang, you jumped to grab it off the TV stand. You sat down on the floor and answered it, a smile on your face.

"Hello love!" Harry's cheerful voice said on the other side of the phone, "How are you feeling now?"

"I feel okay." You croaked, "My throat hurts, but I feel better than yesterday."

"That's good, maybe you are beginning to get better. What are you doing now?"

"I was laying in bed feeling sorry for myself."

"Aw, I'm sure it will get better soon." Harry soothed, "I found some tea on my way in to work this morning at the herbal place though, it's supposed to help get over sickness and sooth aching throats."

"Did you buy it?"

"Yep." Harry sighed, "What would you like to eat tonight?"

You thought about it. You felt bad knowing that Harry had to take care of you all the while helping take care of ten kids everyday. "Anything, you decide."

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