Snowman- Judy AU

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A small fic about building a snowman with Judy! Please enjoy Judy lovers!

Judy clung to your gloved hand as she pulled you out the door of the school into the yard. It had snowed the night before and now the fluffy white snow covered the once depressing landscape.

"Come on y/n! We gotta play in it before it melts or goes bad!" She said, letting go of your hand as she flopped back and began making a snow angel.

You laughed and flopped down next to her and began making your own.

Judy jumped up and pinned you down in the snow, a vibrant smile on her face. You rolled her over so you had her pinned under you.

The two of you began to laugh uncontrollably. You flopped over in the snow next to her as you stared up at the pale blue winter sky.

"Y/n!" Judy chirped, sitting up and brushing the snow off her hat. "Lets build a snowman~" She jumped up and began making a ball. "I'll make the base and middle, you make the head and find the stuff to put on it!"

"Aye, aye!" You mock saluted to her, before crouching down and beginning to make the head. After you finished you set it down next to your snow angel and ran off to find some rocks and sticks.

A few minutes later you ran back with two sticks, and eleven rocks for the eyes mouth, and buttons.

Judy had put the snowman together, now it just needed its face and arms.

Judy grabbed one of the sticks and jabbed it into the body and motioned for you to do the same with the other.

You grinned and stabbed it in as well.

A few minutes later you had the face formed. Judy took off your hat.

"HEY!" You whined, trying to grab at it again. Judy turned away from you quickly, keeping it out of your reach.

"Jack Frost needs it to stay warm!" Judy stated, brushing the snow off my hat and going to put it on the snowman's head.

"Jack frost?" You laughed, "Isn't that the name of a guy from fokelore?" You rubbed your ears trying to keep them warm and protected from the cool wind.

"Yeah so?" She pulled it on over, 'Jack Frost's' head.

"Wouldn't Jack Frost be immune to the cold?" You commented.

"Oh shut up!" She took off her gloves and put them on the sticks. She then turned back to you and pulled off your scarf.

She wrapped the scarf around the snowman's nonexistent neck. "There, now he won't get cold." She smiled and turned to you.

"Nice." You said, tightening the jacket around your neck.

"Our child will be the envy of all the other snowmen!" Judy grinned.

"If there were other snowmen." You rolled your eyes in mock annoyance.

"We'll make more tomorrow then, after we warm up and get more winter supplies." She laughed, coming over to peck your cheek. "Sound good darling?"

"Yeah of corse sweety" You sighed, kissing her forehead in response.

"Lets go in then before you catch a cold, you should have worn more!" She teased, taking your hand and skipping off towards the doors into the school.

You rolled your eyes and smiled brightly. Your adorable girlfriend never failed to make you smile.

Sorry this was so short, I actually made one short for once. So yeah, hope you liked this. Peace.

Lawrence is next again~

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