Masquerade - AU Series - Ethan

229 16 4

Word count: 2004

With almost no hesitation you grabbed the boy with black hair's hand, letting him pull you up to your feet with ease. He nodded to you with a slight smile and began to walk backwards, keeping his eyes on you; other than glancing back to make sure he didn't run into anyone.

"So, hah, I'm y/n." You laughed nervously, brushing your hair back behind your ear and smiling at him with as much confidence as you could muster up.

"Nice to meet you y/n. I'm Ethan." He said in a rather low voice that sounded so nice on the ears.

"Ethan... I like that name." You said, letting him lead you off to a less populated side of the dance floor. Which you were quite grateful for, you didn't know if you could stand to be around so many people and possible make a fool of yourself trying to slow dance.

"Thanks, your name is pretty too." He smiled, wrapping his strong arms around you with surprising gentleness. "I'm not the best dancer." He laughed lowly.

You let out a soft sigh of relief, you wouldn't make yourself look like a complete fool with someone who can actually dance. "Thats fine, I'm not too good either to be honest." You chuckled in embarrassment, "But we can still have fun, right?"

Ethan didn't say anything, he just nodded his head in agreement before looking out over the sea of dancing people.

"You're so tall, I wish I was tall like you sometimes." You sighed after a few moments of listening to the gentle violin music that was playing. "What can you see up there?"

"The tops of peoples heads mostly. I wish I could see their eyes better without most of them having to crane their necks, or me crouch, or look far down. Like you, I wish I could see your face easier. It's really pretty." He said softly, looking down to you.

"Huh! Oh, thanks Ethan!" You said, looking away from him so he couldn't see the pink crossing your face. Your foot stepped on Ethans as you danced, "Oh, I'm so sorry, my heel probably hurt. God, I need to be more careful." You quickly stepped out of his way.

"It's fine. I didn't feel it."

"Really?" You looked up at him. He nodded.

As more people started to come onto the floor you began to notice the boy with the wolf mask getting more and more awkward.

"Hey, do you want to go for a walk maybe? It's getting a little crowded in here." You offered, smiling some. A look of relief washed over his handsome featured as he nodded quickly, dark hair bouncing.

You slipped out of his grip and began to lead him through the crowd, clinging to his large hand tightly, weaving around people who parted for the two of you to pass.

"I saw a path through the woods on my way here, we can walk through that maybe and get sometime away from the party?" You said, looking back at him with an excited smile.

"That sounds fine." He replied simply, letting you lead him through the crowd towards the doors. You left the ballroom, and then the building, walking in between expensive cars that you could only dream of owning one day.

"So, do you have any hobbies?" You asked, looking up at him with a smile. Ethan seemed to ponder the question.

"I play baseball I guess."

"You guess? So you don't really play baseball?" You teased, taking a turn with him down a well worn path lit by cute lanterns leading into the woods that surrounded the grand estate.

Ethan sighed heavily, rubbing his face, "I do play baseball."

You laughed and gently shoved him with your shoulder- or tried to anyways, more realistically you slammed into him like he was another wall, while he only swayed a bit. "Ow, shit, what are you made of? Bricks?" You rubbed your shoulder.

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