Werewolf - Halloween - Zion AU

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Werewolf Zion? I think yes.

The writing styles a bit different than normal, so put up with it.

I was going to make it grim reaper, but I change that for Lawrence since I already did a vampire thing for him and I thought grim reaper would suit him better.

Also less of a werewolf- werewolf, and more of Zion with wolf ears, tail, long sharp nails (Someone please paint this) and tracking/hunting skills of a wolf.

It was two months ago today that Zion was turned. Since then he never left the house, even when he looked human, for fear someone would find out...

Zion splashed cool water on his face as he hunched over the sink. He looked up into the shattered mirror.

He growled softly as he tried to press the wolf ears down, wishing they would just go away, that he could be normal again.

He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, so he wouldn't need to see himself in the mirror any longer. He turned away and walked back into his room, falling onto the bed with a soft thud.

The halloween dance was coming up at their high school, and for months before he got infected he was trying to figure out a way to ask his crush since grade ten, Laura, to go with him as his date.

None of that mattered anymore though, she wouldn't like him. He was a freak.

He threw his arm over his eyes, Nothing really matters anymore...

His alarm went off on the mostly broken bedside table. "Fuck offffff." Zion yelled loudly, grabbing a torn pillow and chucking it at the alarm.

The alarm banged to the floor and turned off, mostly because it shattered into a million pieces.

Zion sighed in relief, as he rolled over to look over at the painting that was laying on the floor, "Dumbass painting, just laying there on the floor, good for nothing."

He stood back up and walked to the window, slowly pulling open the blinds to peek out.

The streets were completely dark and a light drizzle fell down from the inky clouds. Slowly Zion slid open the widow and swung himself out into the cool air.

Zion tilted his head up and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath of the cold night air.

A loud hissing broke the air. Zion looked over, a stray cat stood a few feet away, ears flat and back arched, hissing their heart out.

Zion frowned, "Oh shut up, I'm not going to eat you. I don't like the taste of cat, not that I've ever eaten one."

He waved to the cat as he walked off and out the alleyway.

His tail swished back and forth slowly as he walked down the side of the street, sticking to the darkness of shadows.

A couple walking down the street in the rain made him pause and step deeper into the dark, narrowing his eyes.

They walked hand in hand under an umbrella, laughing and softly chatting as they went.

"Umph." A soft voice snorted, as someone ran head first into him, then fell back onto the pavement.

Zion jumped back, ears flattening. "Watch it asshole." He growled.

He looked down, it was a teenage girl. She had a trench coat on over what looked like a fancy dress, her makeup was running, and her hair, that was clearly done up nice before and put under a bucket hat, had come undone.

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