More than Friends? - Ethan AU - Valentines Day

280 18 4

Word count: 2236


Could he ever want to be more than friends? You thought as you watched Ethan sleep through your entire shared math class as you switched back and forth between taking notes for the both of you and watching him endearingly.

Has he even ever though of us as possibly being more, just like I have so many times.

You shook your head, looking up to the front board, noting down the words on the new slide the teacher just put up.

Maybe today was the day you confessed your long term feelings for your crush. After all, today was valentines day. They day of love where women give gifts to the men they love, then vice versa on white day.

So many years you had sat idly watching as Ethan received gifts from girls all across the schools. Watching as he smiled at them and thanked them in that beautifully low voice of his. You wished it was you giving him those gifts.

But you were too shy. And to afraid that it would ruin your close bond. Something that you had cherished for years.

Maybe this year is the one you'd take a leap and give him something, tell him everything you'd been feeling for years. It didn't matter if it ruined your friendship. He needed to know. He deserved to know. And you couldn't deny the tidal wave of feelings that was just about ready to blow.

You needed to tell him.

Huffing you looked over to him again before copying the notes from your notebook into his too. He couldn't get behind, but he needed to sleep.

What if he never talks to me ever again? Years of getting him to open up in the trash after just a few simple words. But what if he feels the same and just thinks you want to remain friends?

You chewed on your lip nervously a flood of thoughts washed through your mind, thousands of scenarios flashed before your eyes in seconds, good and bad. Best and worst. Some were completely unrealistic but still you thought about it.

What if-

Ethan sat up, stretching his arms up above him, groaning softly, flexing his fingers. "Did I miss anything?" He mumbled, rubbing his aqua eyes, looking at you.

"Well, yes, but no." You said, jotting down the last point. "You missed copying down the notes on your own so I did it for you. There might be some more though in a few minutes. Even though the bell for next period could ring and moment now."

Ethan smiled, pale pink lips curling up. "Thank you y/n. Means quite a lot." He looked down to the neatly written notes, written in your beautiful font. "But you could've woke me up."

"I thought it'd be better if you slept some. You've been working really hard for the game next week." You replied simply, looking up to the board, noticing the teacher had turned off the projector completely.

Ethan gently patted the top of your head, catching you off guard as you packed up your stuff so you wouldn't have to do it last minute.

"Thanks again y/n."

"Yeah, yeah, it's no problem, really." You mumbled, standing up as you heard the bell ring and racing out of the classroom, down the hall and into the next class before you could say something you'd regret to Ethan.


Once again you watched what couldn't be less than fifteen girls stand around Ethan at the lunch table, giggling dumbly and crying out 'Oh that's mine!' when he opened one of the gifts on the table.

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