Lover boy - Eugene AU - White Day

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I feel bad for not posting any more of the Yandere fics yet but graduation is coming up and I'm super busy with school. I need to apply for my grade 10 courses soon.

So for now you are going to put up with more super romantic stuff.
Also this is the only one sorry not sorry.

Words: 2966


Ever since the night on the ice where he told you how he really felt about you - and finally getting to kiss you after months of daydreaming about it - his entire world had become almost entirely about you.

From the way you laugh, and the smile that spreads across your face when he walks over. To the way you excitedly run over and wrap your arms around his waist when you see him and kiss his cheek like a promise to always hug him like that and that you'd forever be at his side.

You could never know how much his heart would swell when you were over at his place and he couldn't get the tune right on his piano while trying to write a song and you'd come over and hung him and kiss his face, telling him that he'd get it just perfect soon, perfect just like him. How you'd let him sleep in your arms or on your chest when you had a sleepover, not minding that he liked to be the little spoon a lot.

And Eugene planned on making white day living proof of how much he loved you. White day was going to be all about you.

"Eugene." You mumbled in her sleep, shocking Eugene from his thoughts, and dragging his gaze down to the girl asleep in his arms on one of the rare occasion that you were the little spoon and not the other way around.

"Y/n?" He whispered, softly curling a strand of hair around his finger, kissing behind your ear.

You mumbled something again, pushing back into his arms more. He in turn tightened his arms around you, keeping her tight to him like it would protect you from anything and everything.

Eugene sighed, a warm gust of breath blowing over your skin, stirring some of your hair. God, she has no clue what she's in for this weekend, does she.  A smile made its way over his lips before he pressed his face into your neck, hoping you couldn't feel his grin and wake up.

She's gonna love it! She has too.

❤❤❤❤❤❤ a few days later ❤❤❤❤❤❤

You straightened your t-shirt before tucking it into your baggy jeans, tightened by a chunky belt. You jogged down the stairs to your front door, trying not to wake your parents who were sleeping in.

They wouldn't be worried. You told them that you'd be at Eugene's for they day the night before. Even if you didn't tell them that you were heading to Eugene's they'd assume that you went there, since you spend an ungodly amount of time at his place.

You tugged on your fluffy black jacket, and slipped into your nice combat boots and headed out the door and down the road.

Eugene's house was about a twenty minute walk from yours, but even with the short enough walk the air was frigid and you were a shivering mess by the time you knocked on his front door.

You hardly dropped your hand to your side when the door swung open. Revealing Eugene leaning in the doorway, wearing a baggy t-shirt that he sometimes slept in and grey sweatpants.

"Hey love." He grinned.

"I dressed up and everything just to find out that you're wearing that." You teased, rubbing your arms.

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