Yandere AU - Series - Start

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Hellloooo! I am starting another short series, this time it has all the guys imagined as yandere's (All taking place under one umbrella idea)! Lots of story is shown here.

Probably gonna be gory and graphic, so please be warned. Each chapter is gonna be pretty long since I have to show each story for the guys and the personalized background so-

Some are going to seem more 'yandere-ish' than others.

Kinda alt apocalypse?

Love you all <3

Word count: 2728

"Who are all of you?"

"Why are we here?"

"You don't have to be afraid, I'm here."

"I love you..."
"I love you too..."

"You can't escape me."


The dull sounds of your footsteps echoed down the lengthy, sterile white hallways, of what seemed to be an abandoned hospital. Every foot fall seemed to boom like thunder in the silent building making you almost flinch every time. You knew you couldn't be loud or he'd find you.

Always a dangerous game of hide and seek. You always running and fleeing from him, although you never knew what he was going to do when you were found, that's how it was. That's what you knew.

A loud, metallic bang from somewheres on the floors above made you flinch and shuffle to one side of the hall, eyes wide and lips trembling.

At least now you knew he was probably upstairs. At least.

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