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The next morning, I woke before George and got dressed immediately.

I texted Fred to ask if we could come over today because Roxi wanted to give Georgia and Sebastian the sweets she bought in Hogsmeade.

I walked downstairs and said good morning to Charley who greeted me by the stairs, then I walked into the kitchen and paused in my tracks.

Freddie was awake, sitting at the kitchen island with a tub of ice cream that he was eating.

"What are you doing?" I asked, causing him to look up quickly. "You're lactose intolerant."

He nodded as he finished chewing, then looked at me again.

"I'm also dyslexic but I still read."

"No you don't."

"I do when I'm forced to."

I placed my hands on the island and narrowed my eyes at Fred while he continued to eat the ice cream.

"You're beginning to look more and more like your dad." I said. "Put the ice cream back in the freezer, will you? It's seven in the morning."

"I'm eighteen... you're not the boss of me anymore."

I scoffed and raised an eyebrow, folding my arms over my chest.

"Do you want to try that again?"

"Well... c'mon, mum. I'm almost nineteen."

"And still living under my roof. Your dad bought that ice cream and I'm pretty sure it isn't meant for you to eat this early in the morning."

Fred groaned and muttered a 'sorry mum' before sliding off the chair. He put the ice cream back into the freezer before walking past me.

"I'll be in the bathroom for the next hour." He told me, leaving the kitchen and walking down the hallway to the bathroom.

"Wait, Fred!" I called. "Use your own bathroom!"

But he had already closed and locked the door without answering.

I shook my head and grabbed the spoon he hadn't put away.

After placing it in the sink, I got myself a glass of water and downed it, then went upstairs.

I walked towards me and George's bedroom when I heard a bump come from Liam's room.

With a frown, I turned around and walked over, opening the door.

Liam was most definitely awake, standing in the middle of the basket that was usually filled with his toys, but now the toys were scattered across the floor.

He looked up at me and a grin spread across his face as I noticed the marker under his nose and around his face.

I laughed.

"Oh baby... what did you do? Look at your face."

"I'm just like daddy." He giggled. "I have a beard."

"You sure do." I smiled. "Do you want to step out of the basket and come with me so we can clean it up?"

He nodded and crawled out of the basket.

"And afterwards, you need to clean up your toys, yeah?" I asked when he walked over to take my hand. "You know our rule about toys."

"Put them back when you are finished playing with them." He said, copying George's words.

George had already been very strict about that. He didn't like big messes and the first thing I learned about his patenting, was that when his children were finished with one toy, they had to put it back before finding another one.

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