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I'm exhausted. I've been up since 7am and it's almost 11pm. I've been at my mother's birthday with my entire family and they are very loud...


A few days later, we got to go home.

George was walking around the room, trying to get Maggie to calm down. He had dropped his phone and the sound of it caused her to cry.

She got scared which was understandable as it honestly scared me as well.

I was getting the car seat ready for her, making sure it was comfortable for her.

While we were here, Molly had come by with the twins so they could meet their new little sister.

Amelia was very excited but Liam wasn't. He got distracted and would rather play with the doll that he had brought.

"Dia?" George asked and I turned to look at him, smiling as I saw Maggie sleep against his shoulder. "I got you a push present."

I stared at him with confusion, causing him to chuckle.

"It's when someone gives birth and they get a present from either their spouse or a family member."

"Oh... George you don't have to—"

"Shush. I already bought it." He said. "Remember how you took your muggle license in February last year?"

I nodded slowly and watched as he walked over to his coat, digging into the pocket before he pulled out a set of car keys, and instantly my eyes widened.

"After you passed the driving test, you talked about getting a car but you never got around to it." He said and gestured for me to hold out my hand, and once I did, he let the keys drop into my hand.

I looked at it.


"George... you—"

"Just take it." He told me. "I got them to deliver it at home while we were here."

"It's at home?"

He nodded, offering me a small smile before he placed Maggie into her car seat.

"We should sign her birth certificate." He said. "Make her name official before we leave."

After securing her in the car seat, he walked over to the table where the birth certificate laid as well as a pen.

I joined him and George moved aside to let me write her name.

He claimed that I had the neater handwriting.

I picked up the pen and went to write her first name, but then I froze.

"You okay?" George asked, his hand rubbing up and down my back.

I turned my head to look at him.


"That's what we agreed on." He nodded. "Why? Getting cold feet?"

I shook my head.

"No it's just... why not just name her Maggie? We won't ever call her Marguerite, will we?"

George's eyes moved to the piece of paper and then back to me.

"I mean... we've had her for two days and have either of us referred to her as anything but Maggie?"

"I suppose not."

"I just— I don't understand the idea of choosing a name with the intend to just use the nickname." I said. "When I had Elsie, I didn't except that I'd rarely even use Elenora... and we only use Mia for Amelia because Leah refused to call her anything else and then it kind of stuck... but with her—"

I glanced towards Maggie.

"We already know we won't call her Marguerite so why not just write Maggie on her birth certificate?"

George's eyes scanned over my face before he smiled and nodded.

"Alright." He agreed. "Maggie Inez Ray-Weasley. You still have to write it though. It'll look nicer with your handwriting."

I chuckled.

"You'll still have to sign as the father."

"Of course." He smiled, watching me as I wrote her full name down, then signed before handing the pen to George.

I turned to walk back to Maggie who was sleeping in the car seat.

"We'll have to go get a crib today." I said. "She needs somewhere to sleep tonight."

"I know." I heard George say softly while I smiled down at Maggie.

She looked so peaceful.

I couldn't believe I had ever considered getting an abortion. She was absolutely beautiful and I loved her more than anything.

"You've got six siblings, you know that?" I asked, even though she was sleeping and couldn't understand me. "Freddie will be twenty this year, Liam and Mia turn six next month... that's a big gap, huh? You're our last, don't worry. I'm making sure daddy can't have any more children."

I laughed at my own comment, looking back at George who playfully rolled his eyes at me while folding the birth certificate to put in his pocket along with the pen.

"Alright, let's go. I've parked the car right by the entrance and I don't want a ticket."

Though when we got down to the car, we saw the piece of paper sitting in the windshield wipers.

"You've got to be kidding me." George groaned while I opened the door to the backseat and secured the car seat where Maggie sat.

Then I closed the door and turned to look at George.

"I've told you time after time to not park where you aren't allowed." I said. "It's your own fault you're getting a ticket."

George walked closer to me and wrapped an arm around my waist, kissing me.

"How much is it?" I asked.

"Ninety pounds." He sighed.

"Okay... that's what— eighteen galleons?"

George nodded.

"And one sickle, six knuts." He said and looked at the car. "Let's get home."

"One second." I grabbed onto his collar so pull him back once he tried to pull away.

A smile spread across his face and I leaned up, kissing him. I ran my hand to the nape of his neck, my fingers getting tangled in his hair.

"I love you." I whispered. "You know that?"

He rested his forehead against mine, chuckling before I kissed him back.

He hummed against my lips, bringing me closer by my waist.

"I love you too." He whispered. "So much."

I kissed him a third time before dishing the car keys he gave me out of my pocket.

"I don't think I thanked you for this." I said, looking from the keys to his face. "Thank you."

He shrugged, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"I think it's about time you got yourself a car." He said. "And you will look great driving it."

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