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"You've got to be kidding me."

George chuckled at my comment. My eyes were glued to the new car in our driveway.

"I can't believe you bought me a car." I said, running a hand over my face. "Look at it. It looks brand new."

"It is brand new." He grinned. "What— did you think I'd buy you a used car?"

"It sure would've been cheaper. I mean how much did you spend on it?"

George turned off the engine as he laughed, pulling his seatbelt off.

"I'm not telling you how much I spent on a gift for you." He said. "You deserve it. You just gave birth after having gone through a pregnancy you weren't comfortable with."

He placed a hand on my thigh, giving it a squeeze before leaning in to kiss me.

"Let's get Maggie out of the car." He whispered and kissed me again. "There's waiting a surprise inside."

"What? No... George—"

"You're gonna love it." He chuckled. "C'mon."

He winked at me before getting out of the car and as he closed it behind him, I leaned back in my seat, sighing.

These surprises were going to kill me.

The door to the backseat opened and George undid the car seat to get Maggie out of the car and I looked back at him, seeing him smile and whisper to her.

"Are you getting out?" He asked, his eyes flicking to my face. "It's starting to rain. I'm sure it'll be pouring down within the next few minutes."

"I'm coming." I breathed, taking off my seatbelt before I got out of the car.

It was indeed starting to rain. A few drops landed on my face as I closed the door to the car.

"Hey—" I looked towards the windows to the second living room, seeing some light pink curtains covering the windows. "...those are new..."

George followed my eyes, then looked at me and smiled mischievously, then made his way towards the front door with the car seat.

"George!" I called out. "Who hung curtains in her nursery?"

He didn't answer. I followed him inside where he put the car seat down. He hung his jacket on the wall before he got Maggie out of her car seat, holding her as he pushed his shoes off.

I slowly closed the door behind me, my eyes landing on Inez who entered the room, smiling at us.

"How're you feeling?" She asked as she hugged me. "Are you tired?"

"A little." I chuckled. "I didn't know you'd be here."

"No... yeah I've been working on something for you for the past few days." She said. "With some help from Dove. Fred and Lee have tried helping as well but they're hopeless. George knows about it and he's helped over text... hopefully he hasn't given anything away."

I stared at her.

"You've fixed up her nursery, haven't you?"

"Shush! Don't ruin the surprise!" She smiled. "Go check it out. Dove is in there."

Inez turned to George and gasped as her eyes landed on Maggie.

"Let me hold her! I haven't held her yet!"

"Be careful with her." George said as he carefully handed her over.

"George, she's a mum. She knows how to hold a baby." I said before making my way to the second living room.

The door was open and I could already see the pink walls. As I showed up in the doorway, I looked into the room and I felt myself get emotional.

The first thing I noticed in the room was the white crib standing against the wall, a white 'M' painted on the wall above it.

"Oh my god." I breathed, walking into the room.

I looked around, running my hand along the wall before I looked at Dove who was smiling as she watched me take it all in.

"This is..." I inhaled sharply. "...incredible."

"There is a matching bassinet in you and George's bedroom." She told me, gesturing towards the crib. "Inez set this entire thing up. She saw how stressed out you were about not having a nursery for the little one so she wanted to finish it up before you came home. She called me from the hospital while you were in labour."

That's what she was lying about.

"You are both fucking amazing." I said and walked over to hug her. "Thank you so much."

Dove laughed as she hugged me back and when I pulled back, I noticed George in the door, scanning the room while Inez walked in, holding Maggie.

"Did you go with what I suggested?" She asked me. "Marguerite?"

"At first we did." I said. "We ended up going with Maggie though."

"Maggie Inez Ray-Weasley." George said, his eyes fixated on me, and Inez quickly looked at him, then slowly looked to me.


I smiled at her, shrugging.

"You've been my best friend for twenty-four years."

Inez gave Maggie back to George before she hurried over and pulled me in for a tight hug.

I laughed against her shoulder as I closed my arms around her back.

Then she pulled back and looked at me.

"You need to see my favourite thing about the nursery." She said and grabbed my hand, pulling me over to the fireplace that had been blocked.

Loads of pictures hung on top of it and seeing them, I smiled.

"The family wall." She said. "You and George at your wedding... her six siblings. Fred's got a picture of you holding her for the first time that'll go up here as well."

"I love it." I whispered, staring at the picture of George and I, smiling at each other, his hand resting on my waist and my arm hooked around his back. "I miss that day..."

"It feels like a lifetime away, doesn't it?" George's voice came from behind me.

"Six and a half years isn't a lifetime away?" I asked. "We're closer to one decade than we are to one year. I'd call it a lifetime."

Inez and Dove left about an hour later, both of them being absolutely in love with Maggie.

I was currently breastfeeding in the armchair in the living room while George was leaned over the sofa, watching me with a cup of tea in his hand.

"I have to pick up the twins from my mum and dads at five." He said. "Do you wanna come with? Or are you too tired?"

"Babe, I'm exhausted." I breathed, looking down at Maggie while brushing a finger over her cheek.

She had her eyes open, staring up at me as she happily ate.

"Okay." George nodded. "Then you can take a nap once we've put her down."

I nodded, looking at him with a smile while he took a sip off his tea.

"Do you realise how beautiful you look right now?" He asked with a faint smile.

"Yeah? Even with a tit hanging out?"

He laughed, taking another sip of his tea.

"You know I love your... tits."

I tried to keep my laughter back, biting down on my lip so hard that I was almost sure it would start bleeding.

"And so does she, apparently." He added. I rolled my eyes at him, flipping him off and he repaid the favour.

"She's a baby. She loves any pair of boobs that contains milk."

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