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Around six in the morning, we arrived at the clinic.

At around seven in the morning, we had arrived at the clinic and I was changed into a gown before being admitted to a delivery room.

As soon as I was able to get onto the bed between contractions, they checked my cervix while we waited for Meg to get here.

I was five centimetres dilated and I was told that I would probably have the baby by lunch.


Now we were just waiting. George was by my side, so was Inez while Fred and Lee fought about who got to lay on the sofa.

"I'm having a baby." I breathed. "How is it that this is my fourth time in labour, yet it feels like the first time all over? I am so not prepared. We don't have a name for her, we don't have a bed for her. Have we bought a crib? No... have we bought a bassinet? No!"

George chuckled from where he sat, looking through a book of baby names that he bought in the gift shop in this building.

"George, don't laugh!" I exclaimed.

"I'm not!" He continued to laugh. "I've told you to not worry about it. We'll—"

"...figure it out, yes I know." I groaned, rolling my eyes at him.

Then my eyes landed on Inez who stood up, her phone in her hand.

"I need to make a quick phone call." She told me. "Call Dove and all... I'll be right back."

Inez leaned down and hugged me.

"You're doing great, babe." She smiled before she walked out of the room.

"That's suspicious." I said, narrowing my eyes as the door closed behind her.

"What?" George asked, continuing to go through the book.

"She didn't look me in the eye. That means she's lying. She never looks me in the eye when she's lying."

George hummed.

"What about the name Kinsley?"

I looked at him.

"Kinsley? What the fuck is that? Who calls their child Kinsley?"

George shrugged.

"It's quite popular actually. I like it."

"I don't." I said as a contraction crept up on me.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as I grabbed the edge of the bed. George put the book away and stood up.

He pulled the duvet off of me and helped me to the edge of the bed.

"That's it..." he said softly, helping me up. "...let's walk it off."

Walking while having a contraction, helped me through it. Sometimes it was too intense so that I had to stay still, but if that was the case, George was there to support my weight.

"Kinsley... Weasley doesn't sound good." I breathed heavily as we slowly made our way around the room.

"Yeah, it doesn't." He chuckled. "Do you not have any suggestions?"

I shook my head.

My mind was blank when anyone asked about a name for her. I had no idea what we were going to call her.

When the contraction passed, I made my way back over to the bed and George helped me onto it.

"So when are you getting your dick cut open?" I asked, running my hand over my stomach as I looked at George.

"You're getting your dick cut open?" Lee asked, traumatised.

"That isn't how it works." George informed him. "I'm getting a vasectomy. A small section of the vas deferens is cut off. My dick isn't being cut open."

"Why are you getting a vasectomy?" Fred frowned. "I'd never let anyone near my dick with a scalpel."

"I asked him to." I said. "I asked if he wanted to do it because I felt nervous about the procedure with getting my tubes tied. George said yes."

The door opened, and in walked Meg with a smile on her face.

"It's baby time, huh?" She smiled. "How are you doing? They told me you're five centimetres dilated."

"Yes." I nodded. "Which scares me to be honest. It's only been three hours and I'm already halfway there? I can still get the epidural, right?"

"You definitely can." She nodded. "I'd like to wait a little though. Right now, I'd suggest you get yourself a hot shower. It can really help with the contractions."

By ten in the morning, I had been in the shower, just sitting there while George controlled the hose, letting the water ash over every inch of my body.

When I got back in bed, Meg got back sometime later and while she hooked me up to some machines to monitor the contractions, an anaesthetist came in to give me the epidural.

Fred was taking pictures like he did during my labour with the twins, Lee was asleep and Inez helped me through my contractions as well as George.

"I don't think you'll get past lunch without having this baby." Meg told me once I had received the epidural and was waiting for it to kick in.

She then went on to feel my cervix and told me that the doctor who had felt it when I first got here, must've mis-felt it because I was only two to three centimetres dilated.

When she told me that, I let out a heavy sigh. I wanted to cry.

I wanted this baby to come out now. I was in pain, waiting for the epidural to kick in and I had just gotten used to the thought of her arriving within the next few hours, but now I didn't know when it would be.

While Meg left, the nurse assured me that things were progressing nicely and that I'd definitely have the baby before it was dark outside.

"Hey..." George nudged my hand with his arm and I looked at him. "...mum just texted me."

"No." I groaned. "I don't want her in here, George. I want this to be a stress free labour."

"I know, I know. I've already texted her no." He told me softly. "I just wanted to tell you that she texted me about it."

I sighed, closing my eyes.

"Doesn't she ever stop?"

"Fuck her, alright?" Inez caught my attention. "I don't care that her sons are in this room to hear me say that... but that woman needs to take a break. Isn't she in her seventies? Shouldn't she try and enjoy her last years before dropping dead?"

"She's a Pureblood witch." George said. "She might have fifty years left."

Inez looked at him.

"Shit, I forgot. I grew up with muggles." She chuckled. "But your mother still needs to chill the fuck out. Ten years this has been going on—"

I gasped, my eyes widening before I looked at George.

"What's todays date?"

"I don't know." He shrugged before he looked over at Fred and Lee.

"January sixth." Fred told us and I reached out to slap George's arm.

"It's been ten years since we met at that bar."

Realisation hit George's face.

"Oh shit... it really has." He grinned. "Ten years since we first shagged."

I laughed.

"That wasn't exactly my main focus, but alright."

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