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The first month of living with a new baby, was rough.

It always was.

Being woken up multiple times at night to breastfeed, not being able to get much sleep... though I pumped during the day so George could get up during the night as well and give her a bottle.

I loved getting to know her though.

She loves staring blankly at the twins, especially Liam. She isn't super expressive in the face but she smiled for the first time a few days ago when Liam broke into laughter over a film he was watching.

Maggie could stare at him in fascination until she grew tied and it was adorable.

She also loves staring at the ceiling fan but I think what she loves the most is falling asleep on George's chest.

The two have shared a few naps on the sofa when he got home from work in the afternoon.

Though, Maggie hates wet diapers. She doesn't care if they're dirty, just as long as they aren't wet.

She also doesn't like sticking her arms through the holes in her clothing. She likes wearing them but putting her arms through the holes makes her cry.

We had just celebrated the twins sixth birthday at our house and right now I had some free time while Maggie slept, so I was working out, hoping to get my body back.

I was on my way there. I was losing weight, tightening up my stomach muscles.

George had a vasectomy about a week ago. He had to rest for twenty-four hours later and after a few days he could start with light activity and in a few days, it's okay to have sex again.

He really looks forward to that, having waited for months while I was pregnant.

With a groan, I collapsed against the cold floor, my chest rising and falling with my breathing.

"Be careful you don't overdo it." Just the sound of George's voice made me smile.

I propped myself up on my elbows and saw him stand there in the doorway to our bedroom.

"Hey, what are you doing home so early?"

I noticed the yellowish envelope in his hand.

"It's my lunch break." He said. "I wanted to eat with you at home."

He walked over to the bassinet and smiled as he looked down at Maggie.

"She looks so peaceful." He said. "Did she fall asleep quickly?"

"No." I scoffed. "I spent forty-five minutes walking back and forth with her. I couldn't get her to stop crying. I think she misses you throughout the day."

"Yeah?" He smiled at me, then looked at the bed where some of the kittens laid cuddled up with Charley.

We managed to name them all.

We've got Mango, Lollipop, Kitty, Milo, Ziggy and Willow, all very sweet and very affectionate.

"What's in the envelope?" I asked, and George looked at me again, then sighed.

"It's from the ministry."


We had been waiting for a court date for about six months now. I had been dreading this letter.

George walked over to me while I sat up and he handed me the letter.

I didn't want to think about it too much so I just opened it and pulled out the piece of parchment.

I read the entire letter while nervously chewing on my lip, then let out a sigh and threw the letter aside.

George picked it up to read it as I didn't say anything, just stared at the floor with my arms wrapped around my knees.

"That's two weeks from now." He muttered.

"How am I supposed to get ready for this in two weeks?" I asked. "I've got a lawyer but it's... two weeks."

"Dia... you've got a much better case than he does." He said. "You've got evidence of the abuse... of how unstable he's been in the past. How unstable he is."

I wiped my eyes as I looked up at him, my bottom lip trembling.

"And what if he wins?" I asked. "I can't lose her, George."

I took a deep breath.

"And now I'm about to cry and I have to get up and leave this room because I don't want to wake up Maggie." My voice was shaking as I forced myself off the floor.

"Dia..." George followed me out of the room, gently reaching for my wrist.

He pulled me into his embrace, kissing my head over and over again while I cried against his chest.

Usually I never wanted to even think about this entire custody thing, but now, knowing that it was only two weeks away...

In two weeks I'd know if I got to keep my daughter or lose her.

"He does not have a strong case, Dahlia. He once gave up custody so getting it back is going to be tough. You're an amazing mother, you've always been there for them. You'll win."

I got my shit together, taking a deep breath as I pulled out of the hug. I wiped my cheeks quickly, then looked up at him.

"Okay." I gulped. "You're right. He can't just sign off his paternal rights when he feels guilty and then try to gain rights again when it fits his schedule. He's unstable and Leah needs stability now more than ever. She's got these anger issues and she— I don't want her to end up like him."

George cupped my face with one hand and went to kiss my forehead but I pulled back.

"George... I'm sweaty."

"So?" He chuckled. "Didn't I just hug you?"

"Yeah but..."

"So you'll taste a little salty. So what?" He joked, and I laughed. "You'll have to put up with that taste now and then so why can't I?"

I raised my eyebrows at his comment, seeing his lips form into a smirk.

"Eh, you don't taste that salty." I said. "It's kind of a mixture."

"A mixture between what?"

I shrugged.

"Skin and salt." I said. "Wait... why are we discussing what your cum tastes like?"


"I didn't mean for you to answer that." I breathed. "I'm gonna go take a shower. Can you make us lunch?"

"Sure." He smiled down at me. "My famous sandwiches?"

"Yes please." I practically moaned. I had gotten nauseous due to them while pregnant but now I could finally eat them again and I loved them.

"Alright. Where have you put the baby monitor?" He asked. "Just in case she starts crying."

"Oh, yeah it should actually be downstairs." I said. "I think I put it on the sofa table when I was doing some yoga earlier."

"Yoga?" George raised his eyebrows. "I've never seen you do yoga before."

I shrugged, running a hand over my face.

"It's new. I've figured out it calms me down." I told him. "And the clothes is amazing. So comfortable."

George looked me up and down and I realised I was still wearing the yoga clothes, having worked out in them.

"Yeah..." he muttered, licking his lips. "...amazing."

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