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With a groan, I got into the car.

After a month of being hospitalized, I was finally free of pneumonia and I could go home.

"Are you alright?" George asked, and I simply hummed as I struggled with the seatbelt.

As soon as I felt well enough, I had started showing George how pissed with him I was about him telling his mother I was pregnant when clearly I wasn't ready for her to know.

"The twins are excited to see you."

"I'm excited to see them."

He looked at me, running his fingers over his bottom lip. I turned my head and our eyes met. He looked curious but when I cocked an eyebrow at him, he shook his head.

"It's just nice seeing you healthy again." He said. "Your voice hasn't been hoarse for about a week now. It's lovely."

George placed a hand on my thigh but I shoved it away.

"You're still mad at me, I'll take it."

I snorted.

"I'm only just beginning."

"Love, it's been a month."

"And I've been sick for that entire month." I explained. "I have not had the energy to yell at you, but now I do."

"Then yell at me."

I scoffed, folding my arms over my chest as I stared out of the window.

"I do not enjoy the pregnant version of you. All those hormones."

"Oh!" I laughed. "Who gave you the idea that telling your pregnant wife you don't enjoy her, is the right thing to say?!"

George sighed and leaned back in his seat, pulling in his seatbelt before he started the car, driving onto the road.

"I never fucking know what to say." He said. "Pregnant Dahlia is someone I constantly have to walk on eggshells around. You explode over every little thing."

"Yeah?" I laughed out of anger. "Like what?"

"Like when you were pregnant with the twins and you got mad at me when I joked about the rings."

I looked at him.

"When you told me you lost our rings the week of our wedding?!" I yelled. "That was a cruel fucking joke. Of course that would make me angry! That's got nothing to do with me being pregnant!"

He tightened his grip on the steering wheel to the point where his knuckles turned white.

"It's been a month. Can't you just forget about it?"

"Forget about it? Yeah, sure. I'll just drop it and not let you know how I feel about it. I mean, the next time, you'll just do the exact same thing because you don't know that it's wrong."

"I was just telling my mum!"

"Which you didn't have the right to do! I'm the one who's pregnant and you knew I wasn't comfortable telling people yet! I needed to come to terms with it myself first!"

George laughed and let go of the steering wheel with one hand to brush it over his mouth.

He shook his head and dropped his hand to his thigh.

"You are never going to come to terms with it." He said. "You are going to be hating our baby, aren't you?"

"I could never hate a baby." I said. "I don't hate her, you fucking idiot!"

"Maybe hate was the wrong word to use, but you don't feel like her mother, do you?"

"No. I don't."

I was twenty-five weeks pregnant and I still did not feel a connection to her. While in the hospital, I had considered the option of giving her up for adoption but I was scared to even bring it up to George.

He was going to freak out on me.

"You shouldn't have told your mum."

"She would've found out either way when she came to see what was wrong with you."

"I didn't even want her to come!"

"She saved your life."

"No, the doctor saved my life. You saved my life. Your mother didn't."

"My mother was the one who figured out you needed a muggle hospital. I would've probably taken you to St. Mungo's and then you would've died."

I shook my head as I looked out of the window. I was honestly so done with this conversation.

"But fine. Be mad at me." He scoffed. "Hold a grudge for something I did a month ago."

I didn't answer. I stared out of the window on the rest of the drive home.

When we did go home, George told me to walk inside while he got my things.

Nadine had been watching the twins. When I entered the house, I pushed off my shoes and made my way through to the kitchen where I suspected her to be.

She was making tea and when she saw me, she smiled at me.

"How was the trip from the hospital?"

I shrugged.

"Can you make me a cup?"

"Yeah, of course."

Nadine was my sister, but I didn't feel the same around her as I did before she returned to my life.

Mostly because I was a child when she faked her death and I was an adult when she returned, but also because she kept acting so nice and bitter sweet towards me and it felt like a bad attempt to convince me she was a better person.

It made me uncomfortable. I didn't know if I should believe it.

George entered the kitchen, taking a deep breath.

"Where are the twins?"

Nadine glanced at him.

"They're napping."

Then I looked at George.

"They always nap at this time." I said. "Or... have you changed their routine while I was sick?"

He looked at me before dropping my bag to the floor.

"I'll be outside." He said, giving me a cold glance before walking outside through the kitchen door, closing it behind him.

I watched him as he stood on the terrace, pushing his hands into his hair, staring into the garden.

"Trouble in paradise?" Nadine asked, but I didn't take my eyes off George.

"It's ridiculous." I said, shaking my head. "It's nothing. Just some dumb argument."

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked and I looked at her again as she handed me a cup of tea.

"Like I said; it's ridiculous." I shrugged. "That night when I... when I almost died, he told his mum that I'm pregnant. He did it before I was ready for everyone to know and if I hadn't been sick, I would've killed him. I've been too exhausted and sick to yell at him for it."

"But now you did?"

I nodded.

"Well, having the intention to yell at your partner because of a mistake they made, isn't exactly healthy."

I looked at her and let out a small laugh, shaking my head.

"No offence, Nadine, but you aren't really the person I would want to take relationship advice from."

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