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Welp, Fred came out and Dia's response was...


When I came out, my mum shook her head with a sigh. My dad told me 'that's not good', my oldest sister sighed too and my grandmother claimed I couldn't know at that age.

My little sister on the other hand, made sure I knew how much she loved me.


That night, I was still having a headache so George used episkey on me again to remove it.

I was standing in the kitchen around ten at night, the kids having gone to bed and George taking a shower.

I was rethinking my conversation with Fred earlier, how proud I was of him for coming out.

I remember coming out to my parents. Well, I didn't come out. I was forced out. My dad found my diary, showed it to my mum and I spent a week in the basement.

As I stood in the kitchen, drinking my tea, I realised something from the conversation, and I slowly put down the cup.

With a sigh, I ran a hand over my face.

"Great job, Dahlia."

I looked towards the hallway before deciding to go talk to Fred, just to make sure he was okay.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on his door.

"Freddie? Are you awake?"

I could hear some shuffling on the other side of the door before it opened.

Fred walked back into his room to sit in the chair by his desk.

"Not going to bed?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"No." He shook his head with a smile. "I don't go to bed until midnight at least."

I hummed and leaned against the doorway.

"Listen... I realised that I may not have gone about it the right way, earlier." I said. "Which... I should've known what to say and what not to."

Fred moved from side to side in his chair as he listened to me.

"I'm sorry." I said. "Saying that I already know..."

I shook my head.

"Mum, it's fine." He said. "I didn't think any of it. I'm just happy that you're fine with it."

"Of course I'm fine with it." I said. "Is it okay if I ask you how you knew?"

Fred shrugged.

"I think I've always known. It just didn't hit me until a year ago." He said.

I nodded.

"Well, thank you for telling me." I smiled. "I hope it was okay for you."

"It was fine." He shrugged. "I trust you to not tell dad... or anyone else."

I smiled at him.

"I was outed myself. You'll come out when you're ready to."

"You were outed?" He asked. "Really?"

"Yeah, my dad found my diary when I was twelve. Showed it to my mum." I said. "They didn't react well."

"I'm sorry that happened." He said. "Your parents sucked."

I laughed softly but nodded.

"They sucked big time." I said, walking back towards the door, though I stopped and looked over at Fred. "You should go to bed soon. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."

"Night mum." He yawned before I walked out and closed the door.

I walked down the stairs, grabbed my tea in the kitchen before I made my way through the house to get to the other stairs.

I walked up to the bedroom where George was out of the shower.

"Ooh, can I have a sip?" He asked and reached for my cup.

I let him and he handed it back after taking a sip.

"That's good." He said. He was wearing a towel around his hips and his hair was wet and sticking to his forehead.

I smiled and walked over to the bed, placing my cup on my nightstand.

Then I looked at the bed and realised something was under the duvet. When I pulled it away, I saw Amelia fast asleep, snuggled up against the pillows with her thumb in her mouth.

"Oh baby..." I breathed, smiling as I ran my hand over her hair.

"What is it?" George asked, standing in the wardrobe, putting on a clean pair of underwear.

"Mia snuck into our bed." I said. "Look. She's sleeping."

George joined me in the room, walking over to stand when me and he chuckled when he saw our little girl.

"Hmm, guess one night won't hurt." He said. "It's been a long time since either of the twins wanted to spend the night in here."

"I know." I said softly while George walked back to the wardrobe.

I tucked Amelia in properly, making sure she wasn't completely covered by the duvet like before.

She had just crawled underneath it, not even her head visible but that couldn't have been completely comfortable.

"She's gonna end up with braces if we don't get her out of that habit." I said and walked into the wardrobe to join George.

"I remember the battle you had with getting Leah to stop using the dummy." He said, and I hummed in response. "We should probably discuss Mia's tantrum, though. She's been throwing a lot of them lately over the smallest things."

I sighed and rested my forehead against George's chest while he unbuttoned my trousers.

"She's five." I said. "She's just having her terrible two's at a later time."

"Yeah, I don't think that's it." He said, and I looked up at him.

"You don't think that's it?"

"I don't know." He shrugged, pushing my trousers down before I stepped out of them. "I want to make an appointment to talk about her development. I want to make sure that it's nothing serious."

I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on the ground.

"Okay." I nodded. "We should probably do that. I'll book an appointment tomorrow."

George cupped my face in his hands and tilted my head back, smiling weakly at me before he leaned down to kiss me.

"I love you."

I chuckled, placing a hand against the nape of his neck.

"I love you more."

"That's impossible, lovely."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Oi, don't roll your eyes at me." He ordered me, grabbing my shirt that 8 wore for bed. "Here. I'll drink your tea."

"Don't you dare!" I gasped but he grinned widely at me and walked into the bedroom while I managed to take off my bra and put the shirt on.

In our bedroom, George sat in the bed with my cup of tea, Amelia sleeping peacefully next to him.

"George you son of a bitch... literally."

He snickered.

"That's my tea." I said and walked over to grab it from his hand, but he quickly downed it all and looked up at me, grinning from ear to ear.

"Thanks for the tea, my love."

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