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It was four in the morning when I woke up from pain.

A sharp pain hit me in my back and my stomach as well and I took a deep breath, staring at the ceiling at the same time.

I managed to sit up, placing a hand against my stomach.

My mind started racing, the initial thought being 'do I have to poop', then I realised that I did not have to use the toilet.

I recognised the pain, but then again, I was only thirty-five weeks pregnant.

I laid back down on my side, running my hand over the skin of my stomach. I tried to fall back asleep like I did every time I had braxton hick contractions, but I couldn't fall asleep again.

I sighed, turning onto my other side, facing George. I looked at him. He was on his stomach, his head facing me, his hair a mess, his beard trimmed neatly from yesterday.

The pain only lasted for about thirty seconds and I let out a sigh of relief, closing my eyes to go back to sleep, but only about five minutes later, it hit me again.

I got out of bed, making sure to focus on my breathing while walking across the room to the bathroom.

As I was out there, I felt shaky, irritable even. I leaned against the sink, continuing to focus on my breath, my eyes closed while I shook my hands.

I was having contractions and my mind was causing my body to react on it with anxiety.

I was thirty-five weeks pregnant. If I had this baby, it would be pre-term and I really didn't want that.

I knew that with me having had pneumonia while pregnant, the chance of pre-term labour increased, but I didn't think it would actually happen.

I got back into bed after a few contractions and I checked the time.


I decided to text Meg and let her know that I was having contractions. I knew it could be a while until we had to come in so I decided to let George sleep until it was necessary for him to wake up.

I sat against the headboard, focusing on my breathing.

Meg texted me back rather quickly, suggesting different positions for me to lie in and for me to drink a tall glass of water, so while a contraction ended, I made my way downstairs to get myself some water.

The kittens were all walking around, some of them following me into the kitchen.

We hadn't fully named them yet. We just got them yesterday and now I was having contractions.

This is just great.

After I drank all the water, I went back upstairs and got back into bed.

We had named three of the cats. I named one Mango. Mia chose Kitty and Liam named the cream coloured cat lollipop because he like lollipops.

I sat with my phone, scrolling through social media while the contractions came and went.

They got more intense and when I got out of bed again, I almost tripped, causing me to curse out loud.

"What was that?" George mumbled against the pillow before he lifted his head to look at me in the dark. "Dia?"

"I'm in labour."

"What?" He asked all confused, pushing himself up on his elbows. "Labour? You're thirty-five weeks..."

"I'm having contractions, George!"

"Oh!" This time he hurried out of bed, turning on the lights in the room before he came over to me, to help support me.

"I need a shower." I breathed. "It usually helps."

"Okay, I'll help you get out there."

"No." I grunted at the pain but luckily the contraction passed and I looked up at George. "Can you call Inez, Fred and Lee? And someone to watch the twins? Oh... and get the hospital bag?"

I made my way into the bathroom to take a shower while George walked to our wardrobe to get the hospital bag we packed last week.

After my shower, I waddled back into the bedroom.

Charley was in the room, watching me as I waddled over to the bed.

A contraction hit and I moaned in pain, leaning my hands on the bed.

It was now around five in the morning. It was pitch black outside, but the light was on in the room.

"Hey, I'm right here, beautiful." George appeared behind me and started massaging my back and hips which he knew helped me through contractions. "I've called all three. They're on their way here, my mum too..."

"Your mum?!" I shouted. "No... tell her to stay away."

"She's the only one who picked up and we need someone to watch the twins." He said. "I'll get her to stay out of your way. Don't worry."

I let out a heavy breath as I reached for my phone to see what Meg had answered.

She told me to time the contractions and wait until there was just five minutes apart, lasting more than ninety seconds.

"I'm going to kill your for doing this to me again." I said and George laughed softly, running his hand up and down my back.

"It takes two to get pregnant, darling."

"Yeah, well I'm in labour so I'm allowed to blame you for this entire situation."

"Sure." He chuckled. "If that helps you through this."

At the sound of footsteps, I looked up and I groaned when I saw Fred and Lee walk in.

"Oh great! We've got an audience!"

"What... you're the one who asked us to be there when you gave birth." Lee said immediately and I glared at him.

"Don't mind her. You know what she's like when she's in labour." George said and I then glared at him.

"I need to pee." I said, pushing myself away from George to try and make my way to the bathroom, though then I felt a pop, followed by a splash and then my thighs and feet were soaked. "...never mind."

"Did you just pee yourself?" Fred asked, causing me to look at him.

"Yes Fred... because when girls pee, it explodes with a pop and then it splashed everywhere." I said sarcastically.

"That was her water." Inez entered the room, hurrying over to me and I let out a breath of relief. "C'mon, babe... let's get you a pad and some sweatpants, yeah?"

"Thank god you're here." I breathed. "I'm not supposed to be having this baby. I'm not full term yet. I've got weeks to go!"

Inez cupped either side of my face, smiling at me.

"No matter if you are ready or not, it is happening. We'll get you cleaned up and then we'll call Meg and let her know we're coming in." Inez said before she turned to George. "Meet us in the bathroom with some new clothes for her."

George hurried into our wardrobe while Inez helped me into the bathroom.

Once George joined us, Inez helped me with the pad as another contraction hit me.

I got into a new set of underwear and Inez helped me into the sweatpants while George rubbed my shoulders.

"I can't do this." I repeated. "The nursery isn't even made. We don't even have a crib or a bassinet yet."

"Hey... don't stress about that right now." George whispered in my ear as he stood behind me, his hands massaging the muscles in my shoulders. "...we'll figure it out like we always do."

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