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Don't hate me too quickly ;((

Eight months later

My eyes shot open, staring into the darkness of the room. My breathing was heavy and there was a certain weight in my stomach.

I hated those nightmares. I hated waking up with this feeling. The memories haunted me and I wished I could just forget it all.

Turning onto my other side, my eyes landed on her, and I smiled weakly at how beautiful she looked.

Her dark hair was a mess around her face. She laid on her stomach, her cheek squished against the pillow.

When I hooked an arm over her waist, she groaned slightly, causing me to chuckle.

"Why are you awake?" She asked, slapping me in the face.


"Sorry." She laughed and moved closer to me, tangling her legs with mine as she opened her eyes and looked at me. "Did you have another nightmare?"

I hummed softly, brushing my fingers through her hair.

"About that day, again?"


Dahlia sighed and leaned even closer to press a kiss to my jaw.

"I'm okay, George." She assured me. "She didn't kill me. I'm here."

"No but she tortured you." I said. "What if she had—"

"She didn't." She cut me off. "How does the dream end?"

I sighed and turned onto my back, pulling myself up to sit which caught her attention. She sat up as well, running her hand through her hair while looking at me.


"She used the cruciatus curse on you, Dahlia." I said, shaking my head. "Her goal was to kill you and what if that had happened?"

"Then I would be dead." She joked but her grin dropped and she placed a hand against my neck. "I'm sorry. I have those nightmares as well. The thought of leaving you and the kids behind, scares me."

I looked at her and wrapped an arm around her back, pulling her into my embrace.

That day, I got a call from Fred. Malcolm's sister had basically kidnapped Dia off a hallway, tortured her and her next step was to kill her to assure Malcolm got full custody but Hermione entered the room at the same time.

Jada was sentenced to death and Malcolm lost the custody case.

Dahlia was in pain for days and since then I have been scared out of my mind that something would happen to her.

"I love you." She whispered and leaned up to kiss my jaw.

I hummed in response.

"I love you too." I said.

Dahlia tilted her head back to look up at me, offering me a smile before she got up and straddled my hips to face me.

"Stay home tomorrow." She said. "Take a day to relax. You always get so shook up after those nightmares."

I rubbed my hands up and down her thighs, seeing the soft expression on her face.

I leaned my head back against the headboard, and sighed.

"George—" Dahlia cupped either side of my jaw, making me look at her. "'re gonna stay home tomorrow."

I nodded slowly.


She offered me a smile before she leaned in and kissed me, but as our lips touched, crying spread from the baby monitor and filled the entire room.

"I'll get her." Dia got out of bed and made her way out of the room, the t-shirt hanging loosely around her body, and my eyes fell to her thighs as she walked.

When she was out of sight, I leaned back and stared at the ceiling. I heard Maggie cry and cry and cry until I heard Dia's soothing voice as she picked up our youngest daughter.

"Let's get you changed and the let's go see daddy." I heard her voice through the monitor and I smiled.

After she changed her, I heard her leave the nursery and not long after, Dahlia entered our bedroom, carrying nine-months-old Maggie.

She was no longer crying, but she was awake, resting against Dahlia's shoulder as my wife walked over and sat down on the bed.

"Do you want to go to daddy?" She asked softly and I moved closer, stroking my hand over Maggie's head, earning her attention.

Her eyes lit up and she started giggling. Dia handed her over and I gasped as I looked at my little girl.

"Hi beautiful." I smiled as Maggie cuddled up against my shoulder. "Do you want to sleep in here, huh?"

Some nights when Maggie woke up, she felt more comfortable falling back asleep either in my arms or in Dia's arms so that was how it was.

Nine months had gone by fast. We were not at the stage where she was about to crawl, but right now she wasn't and she was already trying to pull herself up to walk, but I don't see how she'll walk without knowing how to crawl.

"I love you." Dahlia blurted and I looked at her. "A lot."

I grinned.

"You already said that."

"Yeah, but I do." She smiled. "I don't think you realise how much."

I stared at her as she tilted her head, dropping her hand to my knee.

"You're my home. You always have been."

She leaned in to kiss me and I grasped at her jaw with my free hand, pulling her in for another kiss.

Maggie moved her thumb up to her mouth and I looked down at her as she started sucking on it, slowly falling asleep against my shoulder.

"Do you need something?" Dahlia asked. "I can drug you to make you fall asleep just like you drugged me last year."

I laughed, looking at her while resting my head against Maggie's head.

"I'll get you some water." Dia said in all seriousness. "You're kind of hoarse."

I watched her leave the room again, coming back not long after with a glass of water.

"Thank you, gorgeous." I said, downing the whole thing.

Dahlia chuckled and took it from me again, putting it on her nightstand before she got into bed again.

"Come... put her down so we can go back to sleep." She said and I looked at Maggie to make sure she was sleeping, before I put her down in the middle of the bed.

Dia ran her hand over her head and leaned down to kiss her cheek.

Then she looked up at me and leaned up to kiss me on the lips.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, and I nodded, running a hand to the nape of her necks.

"Of course. I've got you, don't I?"


I didn't want to leave you all hanging too long so I wrote this and now I'm going to bed.


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